www.4outdoorfun.com site submission status




I've submitted www.4outdoorfun.com a few times over the past 4 or 5 months to the category Shopping: Recreation: Outdoors which I think is the appropriate place since I sell camping and outdoor equipment. One time, just after I entered the submission my internet line dropped so I'm not sure if it was submitted. I think I've followed all the guidelines, yet I haven't been listed or heard from anyone. Can you please tell me what happened to the submission or if I should submit again.

Mike Scanlon


Curlie Meta
May 16, 2002
First, it really helps if you provide a CLICKABLE link to the category in question.

Second, your site hasn't been reviewed yet.

Third, the unreviewed queue in the category is rather large, several hundred. I wouldn't expect the site to be reviewed any time soon. I'd guess a minimum of 4-6 months, more than likely more, unless someone takes a strong liking to editing the cat. [The category gets lots of spam submissions. I just deleted about a hundred spam submissions and barely put a dent in the cat.] Even with a listed editor, there is only so much you can do.

We can always use help editing in cats like this. If you're interested, consider applying to edit a subcat (smaller cat, more likely to be approved). If you do apply, be sure to mention your affiliation.


Thanks for the quick reply Jazz. I won't submit again then. I wasn't sure if it was just something I was doing wrong.

By the way, I did apply for an editor in a subcategory, but was turned down.



Curlie Meta
May 16, 2002
Not knowing why you were turned down...

If you'd really like to help out....

Consider applying first to a Regional cat, like your hometown. Building up experience there before applying for other categories.

Keep in mind though that I don't do editor application reviews/approvals...
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