


Whould you check status on my submittion in


I know it is listed there , but I submitted it to Auto section as well. I offer auto section which is appropiate for this category.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site is not appropriate for the Automotive category. It also contains NON-automotive classifieds!

Submitters' guidelines say "Pick the ONE most appropriate category for the SITE." The site is in the most appropriate category.


I don't get it,
BestAds.com has three listings, Free Classifieds, B2B and Automotive under Shopping.

My auto section has over 700 ads offers search by make, model millage, price. It is full blown auto classified section...


Very good observations ... sure makes you wonder how one site could get 3 and yet your told sites are only permitted 1 listing ... I have yet to check, but I assume that there are numerous sites with multiple listings in the categories you mentioned. I’m off to do some research in this area – amazing how quickly my research logs are growing.

Its my goal to see that the directory is fair for each and every submitter – though that goal may be too strenuous at this time – I will try my best to see it realized.



Mar 26, 2002
<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>Very good observations ... sure makes you wonder how one site could get 3 and yet your told sites are only permitted 1 listing<p><hr></blockquote>The URLs for BestAds.com aren't identical. The only way a site can get more than one listing for an identical URL is once for a topical category, once for a Regional/ category; thus the BestAds.com listing don't fall afoul of this rule. The main/entry/home page of BestAds.com is listed once, and then two "deeplinks" are listed. According to the ODP guidelines:<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>Deeplinking is the process of adding links to sub-pages within a site. In the vast majority of categories and branches, deeplinking is the exception rather than the rule. Deeplinks should offer content that is unique and extremely useful to a particular category. There are no strict rules regarding the type of site that should or should not be deeplinked. Providing deeplinks, in a uniform way, to sites that offer extremely useful and unique content can add value to the directory in a few cases (e.g. categories with very limited content, and where the meat of the available web content is typically buried within web sites). However, editors should be very judicious when adding deeplinks of a particular URL. If you are uncertain about adding deeplinks, ask an experienced editor, such as a meta or an editall for advice or guidance. Ultimately, all deeplinking decisions are subject to staff approval.<p><hr></blockquote>Of course, it's possible that those two deeplinks to BestAds.com shouldn't be listed; we editors are, after all, only human, and make mistakes.

I understand the concept of deep-linking – and though I do think that is relevant in this case – you need to first review the comments by editors above …

Thehelper wrote: “You will only be able to get one listing in the Shopping branch of the directory for your site.”

Why is his site any different than the others? If one site is permitted to have multiple listings then his site should receive a fair review to see if dl'n is applicable in his particular case.

Hutcheson wrote: “The site is not appropriate for the Automotive category. It also contains NON-automotive classifieds!”

Well so does bestads …

Khym_Chanur wrote: “Of course, it's possible that those two deeplinks to BestAds.com shouldn't be listed; we editors are, after all, only human, and make mistakes.”

I’d have to agree with you on that point … if this submitters site is not a candidate for deep-linking then Id have to say the other site is most likely not an appropriate candidate either.

Justbrowsing … I have yet to review the sites listed in these categories – however my preliminary review of the site in question (bestads) has turned up numerous inconsistencies which I will certainly look further into.



Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
There a few issues in this thread I'd like to address, but I don't have a lot of time for a post tonight. First, to save you some time looking through them, a-better-way.com and theherbspecialist.com have several listings in the MLM categories. These categories are currently being re-evaluated and most of them will be removed.

I have been doing a bit of work in parts of the Classified sections so I took a look at the multiple listings of bestads.com. I agreed that two of those listings, the deep links, probably were not appropriate deep links.

There are reasons sometimes for a deep link, that aren't always obvious. In the case of the B2B deep link for bestads.com, it is possible, from some of the signs, that it was listed when the category had less links. If a category is lacking in links, a category editor will often look for and list deep links and sites that would not be listed if there were more, and higher quality sites, in the category.

In other words, the site had more content in comparison to the sites that were in there when it was listed, but did not when re-evaluated now. Categories are often being re-evaluated.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
tomasz, the syntactic distinction you make isn't really justified, since it's trivial to set up a webserver to treat the two classes of URLs exactly the same.

As is often the case, human judgment is necessary.
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