

I'm new to the ODP. I recently submitted 3 different sites on the same day about 2 weeks ago. One site was listed within 48 hours. The other 2, including the one in the title, aren't showing up yet.

The stupid thing on my part, is that I forget exactly which categories I listed them in. (there were a couple of categories which could apply). The next time I submit I'll know to record the category.


1. Is there any way that I can find out which category I submitted to?

2. If not, what are the rules/guidelines on resubmission?




Mar 25, 2002
http://www.cgmsystems.com/ is not showing up as being edited, moved, deleted or accepted into any categories. But without the category path, it is extremely difficult for us to find where you may have submitted to.

You were extremely lucky to have your site listed within 48hours - but that just depends on the workload of the relevant editors, the unreviewed queue backlog for that category - yadda yadda yadda. Earlier on today, I came across a submission from early 2000 - and believe me, there are many more waiting from that time period (unfortently for all concerned).

>> 2. If not, what are the rules/guidelines on resubmission? <<

Rules? Well, have a look at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ (the ODP editor guidelines) with attention to the Site Selection Criteria and Site Specific Guidelines which should help guide you what an editor is looking for and what rules _they_ have to follow. Also, once you pick the most appropriate category for your site, read the appropriate submission page in detail (that link is to the _generic_ 'submission' page btw which gives general advice, some categories have specific submission notices).

As to the time scale? Well, I suggest not submitting more often than once every month _at most_. I would personally recommend you wait a few more weeks to see if your site turns up (it may have just not appeared in the weekly-updated search database yet), and if it hasn't, then resubmit making a note of the category. Wait another month and then post here - once you've posted here for a 'Site Submission status' you probably won't have need to resubmit - you just need to have patience...
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