


I believe I have probably not gone about this in the correct manner and now need to know how to correct it. I originally submitted a site under this heading, http://dmoz.org/Business/E-Commerce/Customer_Relationship_Management/ for www.livecsrhost.com I then decided that it was best to market under the actual corporate name which is www.daconsoftware.com though both sites are up and the plan is to keep them both up. I then submitted the dacon site under the same category.
Question, how to I go about having the livecsrhost site removed from the wait list so that I do not get hit with a mirrored site complaint.
Also could someone tell me the status of the submission please and thank you?


It would appear that no editor wishes to answer this query even though a number have been online and more than one has read. As there is no editor for the category it may be best if I just withdraw both submissions. Could someone please advise how I can accomplish this? At least then I would no longer have to frustrate myself by attempting to be what the OPD wants me to be.

>> no editor wishes to answer this query

Hey, we also sleep, eat, or take a walk with our children, sometimes /images/icons/smile.gif Jokes aside, not a lot of editors are CRM software experts...

>> more than one has read

There are also regular members (non-editors) reading this Forum...

>> Could someone please advise

Here /images/icons/smile.gif
1) the livecsrhost.com site is not in the queue anymore, you won't get hit with a mirrored site complaint
2) the dacon site was waiting close to the top of a *very* huge unreviewed list. Since it was actually close to the top... it is now listed.

3) You might want to consider editing the category ?


Thank you, I think I am just tired and more than a little frustrated with a lot of other little items and ODP was handy to take a shot at.
I appreciate you looking at the site and correcting my error.

I did apply to be an editor and was rejected, though I was not given a reason as to why.

Again thank you I appreciate you taking the time to look and respond and it is a good thing to spend some time with your kids. With chest puffing out, I am the proud recipient of my second granddaughter and that is far more important than any of these things...even though they do pay the bills!



Mar 26, 2002
It seeems both www.livecsrhost.com and www.daconsoftware.com have not been touched. And I see Business/E-Commerce/Customer_Relationship_Management/ currently has number of unrevieweds more than 10 times the number of sites listed.

<ettore and otronline post faster than me and/or the d bug caught me>

BTW ortonline, when a meta (such as ettore) offered "You might want to consider editing the category", it's worth much more than any offer from others, since he can fulfill the request. /images/icons/wink.gif


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
hehe. I'll bet it took sabre23t longer to check than it did to post the previous two posts. I tried to go into the category and remove the one URL and check the status of the other, but even on my DSL it was taking forever to load, and I had to run.

>> I did apply to be an editor and was rejected, though I was not given a reason as to why

You might want to consider carefully reading our General Guidelines (don't look at the descriptions in the CRM category: a few of them are good, but others shouldn't be taken as an example of ... uhmmm ... perfect editing) and try reapplying. We need good dedicated editors in this area.

>> I am the proud recipient of my second granddaughter

My best wishes & congrats to granpa /images/icons/smile.gif Yep, children are the most important thing, always ! /images/icons/smile.gif


I will get a good nights sleep and spend some time this week reading the guidelines and resubmit my editor application.
Thank you for your advice and efforts...all.
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