
My site, www.digibattery.co.uk, was listed in the Open Directory, but has since disappeared. I'm not sure why. It is an online store and during a re-build I stated clearly on the site that it was temporarily closed to avoid disappointing customers - this may have been the reason for it being dropped. It has now been re-opened for 6 weeks and has more valuable content and information than before. I'd really like it back in the Open Directory. Please help. I sell rechargeable batteries for digital cameras. It was listed under photography/digital/accessories. There is no editor for this category at present, but I've e-mailed the next highest editor; I've also re-submitted the site.
Please give some sort of timescale for its re-consideration.
Many thanks
(apologies, I might have posted in the wrong category)


Curlie Meta
May 16, 2002
This category is to check on the status of submissions. Since you have not submitted anything, there is nothing to report.

>>I've also re-submitted the site.<<

Oops jazz /images/icons/wink.gif


Apr 1, 2002
It's waiting for review in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Photography/Digital/Accessories .(If you give the complete URL to the category, it makes things easier for us. /images/icons/smile.gif ) I'm afraid it's impossible to guess how long it will take to be reviewed, but that part of the directory isn't _too_ badly backlogged, so you might have reason to be cautiously optimistic.

Regards, Hilde

Hi again Hildea,
I've noticed that http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Photography/Digital/Accessories
hasn't been updated since June 26 - there are only 27 listings in this category. I'm anxious to be re-listed. No longer being in DMOZ has hit my fledgling business quite badly, as my business plan is based on the sales I was receiving when it was listed.
I understand that everyone wants listing "yesterday"! Please accept my apologies if I'm being impatient.

Many thanks



Mar 1, 2002
Nick, as long as you feel you could be impartial with regards to your site, nothing prevents you from applying to edit that category yourself.

If you do, make sure to mention your affiliation.

Many thanks apeuro, I'm interested in the topic and will be impartial. It is a small category and a good place to start. I applied a few hours ago
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.