


Attempting to determine site submission status to, variously, http://dmoz.org/Arts/Radio/Formats/Old-Time_Radio/, http://dmoz.org/Arts/Radio/History/, and http://dmoz.org/Arts/Radio/Formats/Old-Time_Radio/Streaming_MP3_Stations/, which have been submitted now through Google, Yahoo, Altavista, and Alexa over the course of the past 7 months (and twice now through the ODP directly within the past 37 days). Google, Yahoo, and Alexa all 'blame' the ODP when I inquire through them about the extraordinary delay I've experienced in getting the site listed through their search engines and crawlers. Altavista simply ignores any followup queries I submit. I gather that now that I'm communicating with 'the source' itself, tracking down the source of any disconnect will be easier? Please advise. Would also request any update on the eight requests I've made to date to add a 'Golden_Age Radio_Era' sub-category to http://dmoz.org/Arts/Radio/Formats/, since it more accurately and correctly identifies the genre, the interest area, and promotes it to the level of historical dignity it so rightly deserves and has earned over time.


Nov 6, 2002
http://dmoz.org/Arts/Radio/Formats/Old-Time_Radio/ : Submitted this morning, awaiting review.

There is no record of a submission to either of the other two categories you mention. The site will, if listed, be listed in the one best category for it. If the above category is correct, you need take no further action.

If you wish to inquire again about the status, please wait at least a month, and please reuse this thread.


Thanks for the prompt response to this most recent submission. This is a far better than the stone-walling I've been receiving from Google, Yahoo, and Alexa over the past 7 months. Actually I was hoping to drill down to the status of the previous 16 submissions which Google, Yahoo, and Alexa continually insist had all been routed to ODP Editors over the last 7 months. I've waited seven months now, so waiting another month won't be that much of a reach. I guess I'm more concerned that no one seems to much care what happened to the other 16 submissions besides me and my 1700 monthly subscribers. Do I take your response as an indication that no effort will be forthcoming to determine what happened to the other 16 submissions?
Thanks in advance for your time and understanding. At least now I have the means to track it.


Nov 6, 2002
And I, in turn, would like to make three requests of you.

This forum is for submission status requests only. Please raise other ODP issues in your other thread.

And please don't expect us to answer questions about Yahoo, Alexis, Google or anything else other than the ODP. The only connection between us and them is that some of them may use our data.

And please separate your questions into paragraphs. It makes it so much easier to answer them when we can tell where one ends and the next one begins.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Do I take your response as an indication that no effort will be forthcoming to determine what happened to the other 16 submissions?

Not at all! I trust that the submittal policies make our position clear. The extra submittals either have been or will be summarily disposed of as they are found. Please, on our behalf, track down the perpetrator who maliciously submitted this site 14 times more than allowed by the ODP submittal policies, and give us a full report on who, why, and what you have done to keep this from happening again. If you can do this to our satisfaction, we won't have to delete the last remaining submittal for "malicious spamming contrary to the submittal policies."


>Do I take your response as an indication that no effort will be forthcoming to determine what happened to the other 16 submissions?

Not at all! I trust that the submittal policies make our position clear.

"Your" submittal policies may make it clear, but Google, Yahoo, and Alexa's clearly don't then. If you have an issue with the agencies that use your services (and, I presume, give you something tangible or otherwise in return), giving the first impression that it's their own, I respectfully suggest you take it up with them, not a naieve submitter.

>The extra submittals either have been or will be summarily disposed of as they are found.

It's clear that someone's already summarily disposed of them, isn't it? Thank you. That answers the question about the other 16 (4 apiece through 4 other Online Search Engine services over a 7 month, three week period). One every two months. Spamming, huh? Ok then. Let's be absurd.

>Please, on our behalf, track down the perpetrator who maliciously submitted this site 14 times more than allowed by the ODP submittal policies, and give us a full report on who, why, and what you have done to keep this from happening again.

How about this instead? How about you give me a full report on how this happened after you contact the four search engines and report back to me on how they managed to either mishandle, misroute, or fail to act on the four submssions to each of them (one every two months) over the past 7 months? And how about we take your written accusation that I've been a "malicious perpetrator" to the next level?

>If you can do this to our satisfaction, we won't have to delete the last remaining submittal for "malicious spamming contrary to the submittal policies."

If I can do this to 'your' satisfaction? Forgive me, but I fear I've been belaboring under the mistaken belief that you feel you're performing a service to the internet community at large. You certainly seem to get a lot of mileage out of that very noble sounding mission statement throughout the internet. I was unaware that certain of us have to jump through additional hoops for the amusement of beleagured volunteer editors on power-trips with the power to give a thumbs up or thumbs down to an otherwise valid and well-meaning URL submission contribution simply because they can--or even worse, simply because someone asks what might have gone wrong previously.

Very well. Youve fully educated me on how this level of the submission process operates. Thanks for the very helpful guidance. It's becoming more and more clear to me what's happened to the site submissions through the other search engines.

Since threats seem to be the lingua franca in this wonderfully 'open' and 'community' minded service, so be it. We'll see how threats work in the other direction now.

I don't respond at all well to threats, so by all means follow through on your threat to round-file this one so we can all take this to the next logical step in the process with full and upfront disclosure of intent.

As to the paragraph spacing, 'other thread' comment, etc., please forgive me, I'm a newbie to this forum (and apparently destined to be a never again-bie to this forum if hutchenson has his or her way).

So be it. This exercise has amply answered over 7 months of questions.



Aug 2, 2002
Whenever an editor deletes a submission from the unreviewed queue, that action is logged by the ODP software. The log for your site is empty, meaning that no one has ever deleted any of your submissions.

Looking through the 3 categories you mention, we can only find one of your submissions in one of the categories. This means that we have not received any of the submissions you might have made to the other two categories. Since you seem to have made them through other sites, we cannot tell you what may have become of them.

If you submit a site to a category, and that site is already waiting in the queue for that category, the new submission will overwrite the old one. It is possible that all 17 of your submissions arrived in the same category, and each one overwrote the previous one. We cannot tell if this was the case, all we can see is that one submission is waiting, and it is dated yesterday.

Just to correct your (perfectly reasonable) assumption above, no, we don't get compensated in any way for our services. Editors are not given any form of recompense from either the ODP, or submitters. The ODP does not receive any form of payment from any of the companies that use its data. All of the ODP data is publicly available for anyone to download and use, without fees.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
"Your" submittal policies may make it clear, but Google, Yahoo, and Alexa's clearly don't then.

Just to clarify, the submittal policies should be the same across all users of our data. For example, I clicked a link in a Google Directory to add a site, and was taken to the standard ODP add a site form. The first point said "Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions." and linked to our policies at http://dmoz.org/add.html .

No matter where you submit the site from, whether it's Google, Altavista or Bob's Fantastic Link Collection, you should see that.

As it is, no damage appears to have been done on your part. There is a submission for your site waiting to be reviewed, and, at some point, it will be reviewed. I can't say when, simply because I don't know.


Nov 6, 2002
We really should be keeping everything but the status requests in the other thread, but since so much has been written here already I'll clarify that totalXSive is referring to the Google directory. We never see submissions to the Google search engine, nor is there any reason we should.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.