

Feb 22, 2005
Sorry if I am covering old ground.

I have submitted a site for approval in the health disabilities area http://dmoz.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Genetic_Disorders/Down_Syndrome/ with the following URL www.ds-asd.tk. This obviously is a virtual domain name as the site is hosted on Geocities - http://uk.geocities.com/grahamdavidcook@btinternet.com/index.htm. I did this as obviously the domain name is easier to remember and relevant, but reading through your guidelines am I right in thinking this causes a problem in getting my site submitted. If so does this mean I have to pay for hosting and aproper domain name for this to make sense and to be included. It also has the added benefit that it seems to stop Yahoo ADSQUARE!

Sorry for my ignorance, but I am new to this.

I feel my site has relevance as sites covering the dual diagnosis od Down's Syndrome and Autism are very rare especially with any UK content and its a subject that the Downs syndrome association is only just beginning to take seriously.

Thanks Cookie


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, we don't list redirectors. There are MANY good reasons for that -- we've been stung bigtime before: virusware, malicious redirections, deliberate submittal of aliases ... no, we won't go there again. But you don't have to understand our reasons: just read and follow the submittal policy.

We do list sites on geocities and other free hosts, as you could tell by searching for any of them.

Yahoo isn't our problem. And Adsquare isn't per se a problem with us, any more than any other kind of ad content. It's the absence of NON-advertising content that forces editors to reject sites.

This is not the place to argue the relevance of your site. It will be reviewed based solely on its own content, without consideration (probably without knowledge) of anything said about it anywhere else. If you think its onsite justification is inadequate, then I'd suggest fixing the problem quickly -- onsite.


Feb 22, 2005
do I need to re submit with the original URL or will you be able to find it?

Thanks for the quick reply Cookie
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