


We desperately need to update our ODP listing as you/us are in breach of our regulators rules because of the review. I have submitted the update form several times with no response. Recently the form has being showing errors.

Please contact me urgently.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
You may ask for the status in the Submission status forum - adding all necessary informations as to the forum guidelines.

We use this forum for communicating in public so you will have do deal with it here, for others to learn while reading :)


I can't ask for status because the form won't let me submit for an update thats the whole problem!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
You said you already submitted update requests, so why do you still need the Update-Url form?

I have submitted the update form several times with no response

Not visible yet? Two possible reasons come to my mind:
a) The update requests have been rejected.
b) They are still waiting to be processed.

Of course, we can tell you which one of these two applies. We just need the URL and category. I see two possible ways to get them:

a) Using our magical christal balls. Unfortunately I lost mine lately (And as you can imagine to find it, I would need my christal ball. I didn't solve this one yet), so I'm sorry I can't be of any help here. ;)
b) You can tell us.

[Edit: Okay, I admit I missed the title. of the thread. Shame on me :) ]


The url is surprisingly enough www.fairinvestment.co.uk we are currently in


We should be in


As we are a UK personal finance portal that offers deals on mortgages, all insurance products, credit cards, loans, and pensions, as well as endowment policy sales.

We do not offer investment advice or any content on socially responsible investment and should not be presented as doing so. Please show me how to amend this


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I took a quick look at your website and on your About Us page, read "Fair Investment Company Ltd (FIC) is a firm of Independent Financial Advisors".

UK Financial Services has no queues at the moment so I was all set up to move it to the correct category http://editors.dmoz.org:8080/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Independent_Financial_Advisors/ but thought I'd take a closer look first.

Every page I lit upon consisted of affiliate links to other service providers. There might be some original content, but I didn't find it. Neither did I find anything about the services that a conventional IFA would provide.

We don't list websites that consist primarily of affiliate links, so I've removed it from our directory. I'm sure this won't please you, but it should at least keep your regulator happy.


Would it make any difference if I pointed out that we are a finance portal, which means that we offer a wide range of services which we cannot possible fulfill ourselves hence we have partnerships with other companies.

In terms of original content, point me to any UK personal finance portal with as much personal finance content that is relevent, quick and presentable. Also how many set up their businesses as a means of:

Supporting social enterprise
Providing funding for wider society through our charity partner Opportunity International (www.opportunity.org.uk)

Which is the rest of our about us page that you do not mention.

Thirdly how may finance portals are regulated independent financial advisors?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
When evaluating a website, we look for unique and useful content. Lists of affiliate links unsupported by other content don't provide that.

We are a directory and we already have most of your links listed. There thus seems little point in listing your website. This isn't a policy against you specifically; it's why our guidelines are as they are.

Frankly, we don't care if you are regulated by the FSA or not, but we are quite happy to list IFA's websites that are actually about IFAery and aren't overrun with affiliate links. Yours isn't.

I hope that clarifies things for you. I suggest that you promote your website elsewhere because our attitude is very unlikely to alter.
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