
Hi all-

I'm glad I found this forum and I'm hoping someone can help me. I submitted my site approx 3 days after the last update on April 26. I think I submiitted on April 28. The category has not been reviewed since I'm hoping someone can help. The category does have an editor (college guy)

Thanks Dave

PS Here is the category:Top: Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: Financial Aid: Fee Services (21)


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Bad(ish) news, I'm afraid. Your submission is still there - it's sat in Financial Aid, but there are 81 sites in the queue there, and the first entry looks like it got put there in December 2001. Yours was moved there in February; a further submission was declined on June 15th since it is already waiting.

I really can't give you a timescale for listing, but I do hope this helps you.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.