
hello ,
I want to know my site which is submitted quite a long time before.i will be thankful if anyone let me know my site status.
best regards,
my site: www.hashdot.com <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Re: Site Status

hello totalxsive,
thanks for your fast reply.
it was my mistake, i submitted my site which was under construction.But i never thought you will visit my site so soon.

please visit my site now .. And give me some valuable suggestion about how to make it more attractive and useful for peoples.
I am asking you because my friend told dmoz editors are most fandu or techy guys of interworld ..

and please also let me know is this the right time to submit my site ??

best regards,

Site Status

hello ,
I have again submitted my site in dmoz, and my site is 60% up.I want to know my site status.
I will be thankful if anybody tells me my site status.

best regards,


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site Status

"60% up" means still under construction. By clicking on several links on the left I can see that you're still pretty empty. Other than a couple of news articles and 1 resource, you have nothing but empty pages -- no reviews, no downloads, no forums (in fact, your forum page still shows the generic text of "yourdomain.com), no FAQs.

Your site as it is wouldn't be listed. Don't resubmit until the site is completely up and after you have added a fair bit actual content.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.