www.housemonster.com site check


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It is pending review in that area. It looks like you resubmitted it mid-February--there is no need to do that. It will wait there until it is reviewed by an editor.


Mar 2, 2004
I am sorry to bother your editors again, since I submitted my site one year ago, it is not listed yet. It seems that nobody works for this category because I hardly see any new added site in this category during one year, is there any express way to submit my site by paying submit fee?

Can somebody please give me an update on the status and tell me how to make my site accepted fast? Thank you very much for help.

website : http://www.housemonster.com
Category :




Feb 28, 2002
[...] is there any express way to submit my site by paying submit fee?
No. Absolutely not.

And I'm sorry, but there's been no change in status for your submission: it's still awaiting review. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 21 December.

There's really nothing you can do to speed up the process; we aren't a listing service.


Mar 2, 2004
I am sorry to ask your help, since I submitted my site in the category of For sale By Owner one and half year ago, it is not listed yet, I know there is not any editor to take care of that category for a long time, because I find no new site has been added in that category for one and half year. Actually my company has invested a lot of money in my site and promoted it, which has already helped many people to sell their properties over the Canada by themselves. One Christmas Day had already passed after I submitted my site to ODP, my biggest wish for the oncoming Christmas Day is that you can help me to review my site.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

website : http://www.housemonster.com
Category :




Mar 8, 2004
Rejected, for the usual reason: insufficient unique content.

I'll let hutchison give his detailed description, but consider the following:

Suppose your site disappeared without a trace. Is there anything there which could not be located elsewhere on the web (including other links from dmoz.org)? Are those unique listings comperable to those in the best listings we already have listed in that category. If not, your prospective home buyers don't need you, so we don't need you.


Aug 2, 2002
I've listed FSBO sites before, sorry this one just doesn't match up... honest opinion. But if it is working for you, the best of luck with the venture, and have a great Christmas anyway - you don't need a DMOZ listing to make your day (that would be pretty sad). BTW the forum rules make it clear that asking for a site to be reviewed here is a no-no, and under no circumstances would an editor respond to such a request and speed up the process.


Mar 2, 2004
"Suppose your site disappeared without a trace. Is there anything there which could not be located elsewhere on the web (including other links from dmoz.org)? Are those unique listings comperable to those in the best listings we already have listed in that category. If not, your prospective home buyers don't need you, so we don't need you."

Thank you for your replies, but I like to clarify something about your replies.
My site never disappeared without a trace, there were two or three temporary shut down problems during the past one and half years.
Everything on my site is unique on the web, because it was sellers who fully managed their accounts, which means that sellers created, modified or deleted their accounts, my site does not involve any of seller’s listings or transactions. So I am sure most of listings on my site can not be located somewhere else.
My site is better than most sites listed under that category from the number of the property listing and the simplicity of GUI, the important factor that my site was welcomed by users is free. The only bad thing of my site is that some sellers did not have or upload the property pictures with their listings; my site couldn’t do anything about it if sellers don’t have a pictures.
There has not been any new site added to that category for one and half year, but there was one site under that category listed in more than twelve different categories in demoz, was that right?
Anyway can you give me any suggestion what should I do next? Can I reply again?
Thank you for all replies.


Aug 2, 2002
Unless the site changes substantially in content then the decision is that it has been rejected - other editors have checked to confirm the decision was valid and would have told you here if they thought a mistake had been made. So for the time being that is the end of the matter, this forum is not for appeals or argument about the decision. Best advice is to forget it for now and resubmit only if and when there is a substantial improvement in content. Standards are continually rising in DMOZ and it is possible sites once considered OK to list, and listed, would no longer qualify. At some point an editor will review existing listings and if found to be lacking they may well be removed. Obviously it seems to be doing well from a business angle from what you say, and bearing in mind that even if not rejected it might still be two or more years away from listing, the impact of the decision is neutral, nothing lost, nothing gained.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.