

Feb 24, 2004
I think that I've gummed up things and need help undoing the situation. My site is House of Hayes (www.houseofhayes.com).

I submitted it a couple of weeks ago because I didn't think it was in the directory. Believe me, I had looked high and low and couldn't find it. Still can't, in fact.

I won't go into the long story, but a really nice person recently told me that my site was in Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/H/Hayes,_Darren, where it's pending a topic and addition review there.

Here is the thing. First off, I apologize about my submission. I would have used the request to change my catagory had I known you already had me que'd. (And honestly, this is the first and only time that I've submitted. I don't know how you found me for that other catagory, but I'm not complaining about that. *smiles*)

But here's the important thing. My site is not related to Darren Hayes, and it's not a fan site. (At one time, over two years ago, it was a fan site. But that hasn't been valid since October 2002.) I had submitted it to Arts/Music/Directories/, which is where I think it belongs.

How do I correct this? I don't want to submit a request for a change until I get some guidance because I very much would like to see my site in the appropriate catagory in your directory.

Btw, I also hope that I'm posting in the correct forum.



Mar 25, 2002
OK, deep breath. Relax. Think nice, calm thoughts...

I know we can appear pretty tough on here, but that is due to a long history of people trying to scam us. We have got a pretty good idea by now of who is trying to give us aggravation, and who just makes the occasional mistake.

Please submit the update request to the category where the site is currently listed, and explain in the reason that the site is no longer about the artist, and paste in there the category where you feel the site should belong.

Don't worry about a submission made to the destination category either. An editor will realise what you did and just resolve it.

There - feeling a bit better now? ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
I'm reading this a little differently than alucard...

where it's pending a topic and addition review there.

If you're saying that you believe your site is waiting in unreviewed in an inappropriate category, and you would like to have it in unreviewed in a more relevant category, then just go ahead and submit to the correct category.

It would take quite a bit of inappropriate submissions to harm a site, and since a small percentage of our sites are added to unreviewed by editors who search for sites and by users who aren't connected with the site but who feel it would be a good resource to list, we are not in the habit of penalizing anyone for submitting to a more appropriate category. :monacle:


Feb 24, 2004
If you're saying that you believe your site is waiting in unreviewed in an inappropriate category, and you would like to have it in unreviewed in a more relevant category, then just go ahead and submit to the correct category.

That is my understanding. I post at another forum where one of your editors also posts, and they told me that I had been listed in Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/S/Savage_Garden/Hayes,_Darren, but that I was moved for possible inclusion to Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/H/Hayes,_Darren. And right now, it's pending a topic and addition review there."

So as I read that and your replies here, am I safe in assuming that I'm not in the directory? And that my submission to what I think is the correct catagory should still be pending? I don't need to do anything else other than wait patiently?

Btw........... thanks!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Actually, no, you were listed in Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/S/Savage_Garden/Hayes,_Darren which became Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/H/Hayes,_Darren. The site was unreviewed when an editor noticed the content didn't match the category. Go ahead and submit the site to the right category if you haven't already.


Feb 24, 2004
The site was unreviewed when an editor noticed the content didn't match the category.

THAT is one of the truest things I've ever heard. *dies laughing* And I mean absolutely no disrespect by saying that, but it was part of my initial panic last night. ALL I could think was "OH LORD, they're gonna take one look at the site and that will be that because there IS NO... ZERO... content about Darren Hayes any more".

Okay, I'll stop taking up your time now. Thanks! I had submitted to what I think is the right catagory a couple of weeks back, so I'll let that ride and assume the best.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That wasn't something to panic over.

"Taxonomic understanding" at the Library-of-Congress, Dewey-Decimal, or ODP level is not rocket science, but it isn't just common sense either. And some submitters are too "lazy" to find the right category for their site (and for that matter, some editors are too "busy doing something else" to find exactly the right category for a neat site they stumble over.) So most submittals -- many of them for good sites -- are in the wrong place.

No problem, part of the editors' job is kicking a site in the general direction of the right category if it's not suitable for where they're working.

A misplaced submittal may delay the listing, since the submittal may wait in a succession of wrong categories. That's not a problem for editors -- who can spend as much time as they can, listing sites right now -- but submitters will help get their own site listed more quickly, as well as save editors effort, by placing the submittal correctly in the first place -- or, as has been pointed out here, the second place, if the first place was wrong.
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