


I submitted www.importpartsplace.com a few months ago and didn't see it listed. So I emailed the editor of the nearest category and he said our site was rejected but he didn't know why as he was not the editor that reviewed it. What he did say is that everytime he loaded our site into his browser it crashed.

I just wanted to know why we were rejected (so I can fix it) and what browser the editor was using. The submission information is below.

category: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Makes_and_Models/European/

nearest category with editor: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Makes_and_Models/Japanese/

website: Importpartsplace.com

Thanks in advance!

Chris Riehl
webmaster -- Importpartsplace.com


Mar 25, 2002
Your site is awaiting review in that category with a handfull of other sites.


that is perfect. . .thank you very much. When the other editor said we got rejected I was worried. Thanks for the prompt response.

Chris Riehl


May 26, 2002
Re: www.importpartsplace.com/

I am not sure why the site crashes some browsers, but buggy code can do this. There are some validation errors on your Frameset , Header , Left , body , footer pages, but most of this is easily corrected. You'll need to check every page on the site, not just the few I listed [Don't forget to add a DOCTYPE statement on each page]. Having compliant, well-formed, HTML code is NOT a requirement to be listed, but it does help if the reviewing editor is able to view the site. Compliant code pretty much guarantees that will happen.

I can't see any notes to say that the site has ever been reviewed or deleted. If it was submitted, it must still be in the queue. Please don't resubmit; someone will eventually get to it.


Jul 7, 2002
Just an idea: You submitted your site to Shopping/Vehicles/Parts and Accessories/Makes and Models/European, but on your site http://www.importpartsplace.com/ you write: "Our inventory consists of over 300,000 part numbers that cover almost every make of import in the world".

So it might seem that you have submitted to the wrong category. I would have submitted to Shopping/Vehicles/Parts and Accessories/Varied Merchandise/I instead.

Note that I don't have editing privileges in this part of the directory. So I can't tell you about the status of your submission. Perhaps some other editor will.

(See http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Board=status&Number=12755 for the new status inquiry.)


I will resubmit to the category that you suggested. I was looking for a broader category than the 'Makes and Models/European', and I saw the varied merchandise category, but I assumed it was clothing and model toys. Thanks for your input.



I noticed that this site is driven by the industry catalog at: https://www.countercat.com

Does this mean that importpartsplace will suffer the same fate as www.promotional-items-forless.com based on the discussions at:

Specifically, one editor's statement is:
">> But if you take a look at our industry, the ONLY way to provide a wealth of knowledge (products) to our clients is to use an industry product database. <<

How unfortunate, because the only way to get listed in the ODP is to *not* use an industry product database.

>> Studies have been done on our industry by associations and they have found out that the end user wants to be able to access a web site on the web, find a vast selection of products and prices and it all done quickly. <<

The problem here is that the ODP is not responsible for your marketing activities, that's your job. We have our rules and we have to stick to them. We can't allow exceptions for specific industries as that would cause chaos. I'm sorry that you feel you have to use a big industry standard database to make your website popular, because that means we won't be able to list you. Contrary to what you may hear, we do like to be able to list websites, but only those that fit into our guidlines for listing."


Aug 2, 2002
>> Does this mean that importpartsplace will suffer the same fate as www.promotional-items-forless.com <<

Yes it does. Since all of the parts links on importpartsplace.com lead to a deep-link of catalog.eautopartscatalog.com, there is no unique content, and the site does not qualify for a listing.


Since all of the parts links on importpartsplace.com lead to a deep-link of catalog.eautopartscatalog.com, there is no unique content, and the site does not qualify for a listing

It's unfortunate that since we use a shared database (which is shared by sites who *are* listed), that our content is therefore deemed 'not unique'.


If you can point us to other sites using the same shared database, we will be pleased to investigate this issue, and remove the sites which will be found providing only this kind of content.

That is, if there are other sites listed in the category which are not Guidelines compliant (in this case, not providing unique content), it's not a reason for adding more, it's a reason for removing them.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.