


I had submitted www.lawyer-lawyer.org 3 months back but the the server would never respond. And then I read somewhere that if we resubmit again and again, our site will be blocked. So we didn't try it again at that given time. And now since we got no results for past 3 months we had done it again last week. Luckily we heard about this forum and I thought I could ask if my site is in waiting list or it is in default list or ....?

We added our url in the following category:-

We know the category is right for our site and so is all the content. We are just concerned as to what happened to our url submission. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

We would really appreciate your assistance here.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks for replying. And yes we had followed all these instructions. But as I said when we clicked teh submit button it said server busy. And we tried again but it kept saying the same thing. So after 3 months we tried again last week. We just want to know if our website is in the waiting list from the submission we had done, 3 months back or is it even there in the waiting list. Cos we dont want to resubmit it again to get disqualified.



Mar 25, 2002
It is awaiting review along with around 50 other sites.

Thank you for your enquiry. Please wait at least one month before enquiring again.


last question.

It was submitted 3 months back. How long do you think it could still take?

Thanks for all your answers.

Wish you guys good luck for all the hard work you guys go through to maintain this huge directory.


Mar 25, 2002
There is no knowing, It could be later tonight, it could be in three years time. It completely depends on when a volunteer editor comes by to review it.



:crazy: I was told to check back after a month, after I posted this query. I tried back after a month, but had problems in getting into this forum. :confused:

Finally i'm in.
Our website was submitted more than 5-6 months back now, we just wanted to know when will it be listed on dmoz.org?

We know you guys are trying your level best, and appreciate all your help and support, but we have been trying this for long. Initially we had problems in submitting and finally when it was submitted we weren't sure if it was done. And now it is done finally, we have been waiting.....

We would appreciate if someone could help us end this trauma of registering.

Thanks in advance.

Website http://www.lawyer-lawyer.org
Category in dmoz requested in : Top: Society: Law: Services: Lawyers and Law Firms: Directories

Thanks once again


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Your site has been reviewed, and the reviewing editor found that it is a mirror site of find-attorneys.com which is already listed in the directory. I'm afraid this means that lawyer-lawyer.org will not be listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.