

I have been trying to get this site submitted for the past 8 months.

The latest category I have tried is Computers: Consultants: Microsoft on 16 May 2002.

I've also tried:
Computers:Software:Spreadsheets on 24 April 2002
Computers:Software:Consultants on 29 March 2002
Computers:Software:Business on 2 October 2001 then 3 times since.

I've written to 3 different editors to ask why my site can't get listed but have not had any replies.

Please can you tell me why I can't get this site listed.


Mar 25, 2002
As you can well imagine those categories get a lot of submissions. I think you're just going to have to be patient on this one. Your site is indeed waiting in line to be reviewed in Computers: Consultants :Microsoft along with about 400 other sites. This seems to be the best fit for your site, so submitting to other categories is just going to extend the time it takes for you to get listed as another editor will just end up sending it back to this category, and it'll be at the back of the queue /images/icons/smile.gif

I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but I hope it helps.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.