
I have submitted my site (The Pegasi Nest) to: Arts: Genres: Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes: Fantasy Races and Creatures: Unicorns

The site was originaly submitted as being at: http://members.aol.com/pegasinest/

Unfortunatly within a few days of the original submision I had alot of problems with my old ISP and had to move the site to: http://www.pegasinest.demon.co.uk/

The old site is no longer on the web, its a dead link now.
Will this count against me when it comes to submission to the directory?
Thanks is advance.
Dan Greywolf /|\


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
Yours was the only site in there and it was submitted with the currently active URL. Since I even found your submitted description to be acceptable, I added it to the category.

Thankyou for puting my site into the directory.
I have had a quick check and I see that I must have made a mistake when submitting my first URL (members.aol.com/pegasinest) and put it in the art directory under the unicorn directory.
I see that this has also been accepted.
I'll use the form to change the URL of that submission to the correct URL.
Sorry for the mess.
Dan /|\

Ahh, I see how I did it...
If you click 'Art' from 'Science fiction and Fantasy' then 'Unicorns' you end up in:
Arts: Genres: Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes: Fantasy Races and Creatures: Unicorns: Art
So thats why I got confused with where I had submitted my site, I was thinking of the directory as a tree with seperate branches when infact there are 'short cuts' between some of the branches.


May 26, 2002
I assume that you clicked on an @link. These are to cross-link branches where a category somewhere in another branch, elsewhere, could be treated as a sub-category of the category you are looking at. In this case an @link to the other category is added, rather then duplicating the other category and all its content. This can sometimes be confusing; and there are a few areas of the directory where the linking is not optimum; however this is constantly being reviewed and improved.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.