
I have re-submitted based on asking my status in the wrong forum. Therefore, I will ask in the right one...

I would like to ask if my submission is in que...thank you


The response I got earlier was...

Please post site submission status requests in the site submission status forum.

I can't see any trace that your site has been touched by an editor, nor that it is in the unreviewed queue of that category.


Since I have re-submitted...would you advise if you see it in que now?

Thank you.

No, it's still not there. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

Do you get any error message when you submit? Your other submission hasn't been received as well.

I have once again resubmitted to get this site in que.

Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production

Do you see it ?

No submission errors.

Dear Dmoz Staff....

I have again resubmitted via modem this time.

Please take a moment to view the category submission and let me know if its there. BTW, I am using AOL 7.0 via IE 6.0.

Should I try another browser if it's not there ?

Thanx again for all the diligence!
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.