
hi, i am webmaster for rexmar.com and have submitted it twice over the last couple of months. i'm still not finding it in your directory, just wondering what the status is. it was submitted the last time to recreation/boating/parts & accessories. thanks for your help.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
The Shopping area of DMOZ has a large backlog, due to the high amount of junk people like to submit to us, and unfortunately submissions like yours suffer as a result.

Having looked through your site, I do have a point to make - for your product listings I'm assuming you are using scanned images from a product catalogue. You should perhaps consider using OCR here, as it makes the page useless for people with eyesight problems (those that need to be able to make the text a larger size or those that have to browse using braile readers).

This won't affect your submission, but from a design point of view you may wish to consider it.

hi, totalxsive, thanks for the info on the backlog, i was started to wonder if it was worth it submitting to this directory. right now our catalog is in production, and we figured better to get something up then nothing at all. once the pages are out the door and at the printers we may consider doing something like OCR. I think that's a good idea thanks for the suggestion.



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Hmmm... Thats not the best thing to do. Reasons:

1) Nearly every catalogue (so does DMOZ) rejects sites that are lacking content because they are "under cinstruction". Its simply a matter of efficiency while editing.

2) Since DMOZ-Editors write a new descriptiopn for most of the entries and they'll describe what they see, descriptions may become very short, if a site with low content is listed.
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