Website url: http://www.RussianNJ.com
DMOZ directory section: http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Ethnicity/Slavic/Russian/
Hey guys, i have been trying to add a website to DMOZ for over 6 months now. The site is in English and Russian (instant language selection) and is a serious community project. The site has registered members, a solid news archive and a number of unique features for its members. I have also tried contacting the editor ( 3 times now) of the section the site is being added to but have received no reply. The editor does have their own website in the directory though. RussianNJ.com follows all DMOZ guidelines and is a solid resource for the directory. I saw that even simple dating or 'meeting' websites have been added to that section, as well as Russian virtual communities for other states but RussianNJ.com is for some reason being delayed.
Thank you.
DMOZ directory section: http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Ethnicity/Slavic/Russian/
Hey guys, i have been trying to add a website to DMOZ for over 6 months now. The site is in English and Russian (instant language selection) and is a serious community project. The site has registered members, a solid news archive and a number of unique features for its members. I have also tried contacting the editor ( 3 times now) of the section the site is being added to but have received no reply. The editor does have their own website in the directory though. RussianNJ.com follows all DMOZ guidelines and is a solid resource for the directory. I saw that even simple dating or 'meeting' websites have been added to that section, as well as Russian virtual communities for other states but RussianNJ.com is for some reason being delayed.
Thank you.