

Sep 13, 2004
Been trying to get listed for 9 months www.samuidirect.com


I've been trying to get listed in

Top: Regional: Asia: Thailand: Provinces: Surat Thani: Koh Samui

for about 9 months! My peers are all there.

I even applied to be an editor for the category, but a DMOZ editor wrote me an email and said that the category was too broad for a first time editor. The category is related to a small island! How broad could it be?

I suspect that someone locally is an editor and has blocked our submissions.

I have submitted a few other sites to the same category and they have all been listed in a few weeks.



Sep 13, 2004
status www.samuidirect.com

I've been trying to get listed for 9 months.

I've made other site submissions to the same category and they've been added.

Top: Regional: Asia: Thailand: Provinces: Surat Thani: Koh Samui


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
All your peers? I'm delighted, of course, to hear such testimony to the comprehensiveness of any ODP category.

But your submittal hasn't been rejected, so it's apparent that an editor isn't blocking you. But of course you could have already figured that out: the logic is very simple -- there's no point in blocking one competitor if you let all the others in -- which, as you say, has been done. So even if I hadn't told you the site hadn't yet been reviewed, you knew you weren't being blocked by a competitor -- otherwise all the fellow-competitors would have been blocked also, which you have said didn't happen.

You're welcome to bump this thread in six months to check the status of your submittal again. If you include a clickable link to the category, we can check to see if it's waiting for review there also.


Sep 13, 2004
Thanks for such a helpful response

I needed help, not attitude. I could not have figured out that I am not being blocked, because I am not a dmoz expert. I am a business person trying to interface with an organization that has no response or status checking mechanism that I can see. Even the dmoz editor emails have no method of reply! I see only what is really happening, or not happening in this case.

Two other sites that I submitted for clients have been listed already.

Samuidirect.com has not been listed.

I applied to become an editor and help out this overworked category, but I was told it was too broad for a first time editor and that I would lack the experience needed.

I live on koh samui! I know ALL the websites. The category editor(s) are way behind. The island is not that big, so it is NOT too broad.

If it takes 6 months to review this category, then get some help. I offered, but I got an attitude filled email without a reply able address saying I wasn't qualified even though I live here and built half the sites.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Please give us a clickable link to the category and we'll be happy to help you find out the status of your site.

As regards "broad categories" it's not about the size of the island, but the size of the category. It would be a better idea for you to apply for one of the smaller subcategories of the Koh Samui category (not the Travel and Tourism one!)



Aug 27, 2004
And Speaking of Samui...

I just happened to look at the cat. http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Thail...Koh_Samui/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Services/
and noticed that the listed site samui-tourism.com is owned by Phuket Jet Tour which also is listed and in the cat. http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Thailand/Provinces/Phuket/Travel_and_Tourism/

Furthermore, in the Jet Tour list of websites they own are at least 2 more listed sites, ie phuket-tourism.com and phuketwebsite.com (same cat as Jet tour above). This is pretty good for one travel company to have 4 listed sites, and possibly more; others would be happy to have even one.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I could not have figured out that I am not being blocked, because I am not a dmoz expert.

But if the editor lists everyone else, as you say, then why would you have been "blocked"? It's not rational.

Focus on the facts, focus on the logic, and don't waste so much breath abusing other people for their attitude.
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