


what is the status of sfmobile.com, i have submitted at least 3 times and still no listing.

theh catagorey is
Top: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Wireless: Cellular Phones: Accessories:


I appreciate the quick response, does this mean that i did not properly submitt the site or i wont get listed ?

Please let me know the best way to get listed.

Thanks in Advance


Mar 25, 2002
It means neither, from what I can see - we ask submitters to provide a clickable link to the category they submitted the site.


I think i understand now, you want us to select the exact link according to our website name, I.e,

Top: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Wireless: Cellular Phones: Accessories: S

I selected this catagorey

Then i typed for the url

Then the title

Description i put is
Original accessories for all major brands of mobile phone. Kyocera, Motorola, Nokia, and Nextel.

email is

Is this the correct way of being acceppted considering the website is correct ?

Again thanks for your help <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Clickable Category Link required

What's being asked for here is a clickable link to the category that you submitted the site to, i.e. http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/Cellular_Phones/Accessories/S not Top: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Wireless: Cellular Phones: Accessories: S. Providing a clickable link to the category in question makes it much easier for an editor to check the status of your submission.

Your submission from today did indeed make it into the corrected category where it is awaiting review. You can come back to this thread in a month or more to ask about the status again.


So i have not heard anything yet about my submission status on domz, i have checked and my site is still not listed in domz. Do you know if any of the editors got to it yet ?

Let me know soon ?

Thanks in advance


May 26, 2002
Re: www.sfmobile.com/

&gt;&gt; It's been almost 2 months, any status on this submission ? &lt;&lt;

It has been 36 days, and for over a week of that the ODP editing system was offline for an upgrade.

Six days ago, you were advised to ask back in at least a months time.

&gt;&gt; Who is the editor for this category, is he or she still active for this category ? &lt;&lt;

There may or may not be a listed editor for a category, but there are over 100 editors who have permissions to edit there. Exactly when one will pass by and review what is there is uncertain. It could be in 5 minutes time, or might not be until next year.

You have submitted, which is just a suggestion that we review the URL for possible inclusion. You may ask again in a few months time if you see no change in your site status.

Your additional two submissions to /Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/Cellular_Phones/Accessories/C/ have been deleted.


Re: www.sfmobile.com/

Any Update to my submission yet ?

Let me know please and who is the editor in that catagorey ?



Jan 23, 2003
Re: www.sfmobile.com/

I do not have the ability to check on the status of your submission, and even if I could, I would not. Why? Because on7/26 you were given a status update and told to come back in a month. On 8/3 (one week later) you were told that it was only six day and that you needed to wait a month between status checks. Here it is 8/17 and it is still not a month between status checks. You may come back and request a status check on or after 8/26, perferrably after.

I can repeat an answer that was given to part of your question (it was answered two posts above this).

No single editor has chosen to make that specific category their prime focus, however any editor listed in a category directly above that category in the tree can edit there, as can the more than 200 meta- and editall-designated editors, any of whom can (and do) edit anywhere in the directory.

Thus, the absence of an assigned editor really means very little in the grand scheme of things.

I did visit your site, and have a few thoughts: your site is going to have a hard time meeting the unique content requirement. You are participating in a very competitive marketplace and there are an abundance of suppliers all selling the same items. I randomly selected a handful of items that you sell and did searches on the part numbers, and in every instance I came up with multiples upon multiple of web sites selling the exact same products. This does not bode well for your site, since haivng unique content is one of the prime for listings. I also searched your site but was unable to locate any evidence of a storefront. If you had one of those I would have recommended seeking a listing in the Regional/ part of our directory -- but you will still have to clear the unique content hurdle.

So what is unique content? On a sales site such as yours, it can include several things: unique descriptions of the products (not taken from the manufacturer website, but written by you or your staff), original product reviews or field tests (again, written by you or your staff), or similar material along those lines. It would also be useful, should you add those things to your site, to make sure that they are easy to find -- editors generally don't have the time or inclination to searh every nook and cranny of a website in search of elusive content.

Remember, when seeking an ODP listing, content is king!

Hope this helps.


Re: www.sfmobile.com/

I don't understand if all the editors have the ability to add sites why they just don't add it to the directory.

Can you just add it to the directory ?

I mean the site is not in any violation of Dmoz guidelines and i submitted according to dmoz guidelines with the help of some of domoz editors.

I thought it would have been in there by now.

I have seen sites out there that claim they can get my site listed in domz in less time than this by paying them like 19.95, i don't think that this is fair. It shouldn't be like this that if i pay my site gets listed faster on open directory such as domz.


Please help.

I don't want to pay yahoo 300.00 to get listed in their directory or MSN.

Thanks in advance.


Jan 23, 2003
Re: www.sfmobile.com/

Please re-read my previous posting, I edited it at the same time that you were replying and you likely missed some of my comments.


Jan 23, 2003
Re: www.sfmobile.com/

You can pay anyone any amount you wish and it will not speed up consideration of an ODP listing by one nanosecond. Not one.

Many, many other threads in the R-Z discuss this in greater depth (and far more elequently) than I could.

Content is going to be the determining factor for you.


Re: www.sfmobile.com/

I appreciate your response to this.
I will check back in 2 weeks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.