Well I didn't submit to family web sites due to the fact the description didn't really fit my site even though the site is a family web site. After checking though it appears to either have changed or I have just lost my mind. I appreciate the help.
It appears that the submission was actually to the main Home category, not to the category you mentioned. Since I'm in a good mood, I made sure that your site is now awaiting review in the appropriate category you mentioned above, where there are fewer than 10 other sites waiting.
Oaf357, if you don't mind, could you try and find that description that you thought was inappropriate so you submitted to the wrong place. That way we can fix it, so future submissions end up in the right place.
I hate to be a stickler here but in the description of my site my wife's name is spelled wrong (she gets all crazy about it). She spells it Carri (without the "E").
No big deal to me but to her... oh yea. Thanks for everyone's help. You guys truly do rock.