

Jan 23, 2003
I have not looked at your site, and I do not edit in the category where you submitted it.

I do, however, want to tell you one very important thing: once you have successfully submitted your site, it does you no good to resubmit, whether it is a minute later, a month later or a year later. There is even a possibility that you could hurt your effort, since some editors edit within the pool of suggested URLs by date of submission, and resubmitting overwrites the date of submission.

The area of the directory where you submitted is a very busy part with lots and lots of suggested URLs. If someone else is able to confirm that you are in the submissions pool, then your best bet is to sit back and relax, since there is nothing else you can do.

<edited to catch typos>


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Your site is awaiting review in that category. Like spectregunner said, this is a very busy area, and there are more than 500 other sites waiting with yours. And the most recent submission was today, not several months ago. As spectregunner also said, there is no need to resubmit.

Although the Forum Guidelines allow you to request a status update every month, in order to save you some time and effort, I strongly suggest waiting at least 3 months before requesting an update. I'm afraid that with this many submissions, you'll probably have to be quite patient.

If and when you do ask again, please remember to re-use this thread. Thanks!
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