WWW.SSNFraud.info Why hasn't my site been listed.


Nov 28, 2004
Why hasn't my site been listed.

I have submitted my site many times over the last year.

It has been listed in every other engine and directory. The site is very helpful and informative and lays out specific steps to follow in order to recover from Identity Theft or Fraud and Social Security Number Fraud.
Besides this it is a free site and everyone who uses it has the option of doing it ASAP for or free by mail.

My site is also very simple and easy to use compared to the government and other non profit or commercial sites.



Apr 15, 2003
I have submitted my site many times over the last year.
That's part of your problem. The instructions for suggesting sites, which you agreed to follow when you entered your site, said to submit once to the one most appropraite category. Submitting to multiple categories several times just causes extra work and possible delays in reviews.

You submitted to Home/Consumer_Information at least twice, the extra submission was removed, and an editor sent te other to Home/Consumer_Information/Advocacy_and_Protection to be reviewed there.

You also submitted to Society/Law/Legal_Information, where it was removed as being unsuitable.

It may also be waiting for review in Society/Crime/Theft/Identity_Theft/ . Please do not submit again, an editor will decide which if any category it would be listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is waiting for review in that category.

Your fulsome praise of the website is unnecessary -- our reviews are based only on the website alone. (In fact, the review will most likely be done by someone who hasn't read this thread anyway.)

Your apology for not following the submittal policy is accepted, just please follow it henceforth. There is no need to submit again, submittals don't fade away with disuetude, nor do they gain mana by incessant repetition.

You're welcome to bump this thread in six months to check the status again, but ... your best strategy is nearly always, once a site is submitted, then pretend the ODP doesn't exist and you have full responsibility for promoting your website yourself. The latter part, at least, is true.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.