

I submitted http://www.stefaniekelly.com/ to ODP a little over a month ago.

I submitted it to the following category.http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/K/

The above category is the alphabetic subsection of the category: http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/

Since there was no editor for the "K" section of Bands and Artists, I emaled donwiebe an editor of Bands and Artists, but I have not yet received a response.

Could you please let me know the status of my submission?

Thank you!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
It's there, in a largish queue (over 200 sites). It could be awhile.

Thanks Motsa, I appreciate your quick response! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Just out of curiosity, when there are that many sites in the queue, what do you think might be the ETA on this? Are we looking at 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or even longer?

Thanks again.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Hard to say. You could be listed tomorrow or you could still be waiting this time next year. My best guesstimate would be that you're probably looking at a couple of months at least. For me personally, editing in a category like Celebrities is something I can only do in small doses before I get a migraine. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Haha <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ...ok, well thanks again. Hopefully her URL will get posted sooner than later...I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers.

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