

Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
tarotreadinglounge.com isn't currently in unreviewed anywhere in the Tarot section. It is a subsite of goddessy.com (which is already amply listed). The same thing applies to the other two sites you're inquiring about.

These are domains that were evolved from the GODDESSY group, yet totally separate in ownership. The fact that the GODDESSY copyright is mentioned on the bottom of each page is an acknowledgement for everyone to see, so there are no hidden agandas.

If they were not even considered (as what you are saying), then we will send an email directly to DMOZ in argument of this revelation.

There are numerous examples of companies owned by other large entities such as Time Warner, AOL, etc. that are listed more than once, so the previous statement is preposterous and discriminatory.

Best Wishes,
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