
I have submitted my site a few times over the last few months .. and its still not in there. I forget the categories that I tried.. but could someone tell me if it is pending somewhere? I have not been notified of any rejection..


Curlie Meta
May 16, 2002
There is only one in unreviewed there that you submitted today. There is no record of deletions. Perhaps you should actually give someone a chance to review before asking on a status. I moved the site to C. "The" doesn't count in figuring out which letter to put it in.

Thanks Jazz, but like I said .. I have submitted my site a few times before (over the last month). I'm not sure what the deal is.. but I'm glad that you confirmed the one that I submitted yesterday. I am eagerly awaiting getting in the DMOZ directory. Thanks!


Mar 26, 2002
You should not keep resubmitting. Every time you do that it resets the date of the original submission. Your first submission could have been a year ago but the one that is still waiting will show submitted the last time you did it.

The procedure is submit to the best category, wait a month, and if you are still not listed ask for a status check in the submission status forum.

Hope this helps -


May 26, 2002
Please don't resubmit any more. The one that the previous editor found will be reviewed. All other submissions will be deleted. Usually a resubmission actually delays your listing, as an editor with only a few minutes to spare on a category may just go through and delete obvious spam, and the _oldest_ submissions of a site that has been multiple submitted. Editors reviewing sites and adding descriptions will usually start on the oldest, so by resubmitting you effectively put yourself at the back of the queue each time. Submissions across multiple categories, and of deeplinks in a site will also lead to all the other submissions being deleted.

[Ack, thehelper posted while i was writing the above]

>> I have not been notified of any rejection..

Editors have NO obligation to communicate with submitters; sometimes there isn't time to edit all of the submissions let alone write to someone about their site. If a site fails to be listed, it is usually either because no-one has reviewed it, or because it has been reviewed and rejected.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.