

Aug 14, 2002

Will i ever get listed?
Probably, if the site if full of good original content. (I haven't reviewed the site.)

my site is standards compliant & probably the first Tupac site to be so

Being standards compliant is a good thing. However, we don't require it of the sites we list. The only advantage it gives you at dmoz is that we won't put it aside because our browsers can't handle it. That in itself, is good though. :)


Nov 15, 2004
Can you just tell me if theres an editor for this category at all or even if there's someone in the position to approve/review my link?


Apr 15, 2003
Answers will be found in the forum FAQ link at the top of the page.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Toopac, to be honest you are asking the wrong question. We can not predict the future. So it is impossible for us to tell you if and when your site will be approved.

So I guess you wanted to ask about the status of your suggestion. I am not able to look at waiting sites in taht category so can not give an 100% certainty. I can see that the site has not been rejected and has not been moved to an other category. So the most probabel state is that it is still waiting review.


Nov 15, 2004
So if i were to become an editor of that category i could approve my own submission plus sort out the other pending submissions?

I've applied twice now but got refused both times, the second time i made sure everything was 100% perfect but was refused, any tip's?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Only one tip: look very carefully which reasons were provided, read all public available material (good starting point is http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1289 ) and look again at your previous applications.

But if you only want to become an editor to list your own site I think there will be no chance of becoming an editor.


Nov 15, 2004
Both times i was refused previously I got no reasons at all.

Thank's for the tip's however i have read most available material from OPD & other various sources. I don't wish to become an editor just to approve my own submission (althought that would be a bonus), as i said earlier:

i could approve my own submission plus sort out the other pending submissions

The reason being that it seems that there is nobody editing that category at present, plus it isn't that large of a category so i can't figure why i was refused :confused:

I did infact apply to become an editor before i had ever become a webmaster.

Anyway, i guess i'll just wait it out, hopefully my submission will be approved before my website closes.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
toopac said:
Both times i was refused previously I got no reasons at all.

There are always reasons in a rejection letter. It is most likely one or more of the most common problems with applications. You should re-read the rejection letters again if you are really interested in becoming an editor. They will explain the most common reasons for rejection. My advice if you are truly serious about becoming an editor and think it is something you would like to do (and dedicate some of your free time) then do not give up. Continue to read the rejection letters (the majority of editors will tell you they were rejected several times before getting it right) and continually improve your applications and hopefully eventually you will be accepted.

toopac said:
The reason being that it seems that there is nobody editing that category at present, plus it isn't that large of a category so i can't figure why i was refused :confused:

As was previously mentioned somewhere in this thread read the FAQ at the top of the page. It clearly explains in the section titled There's no editor for my category - will my submission ever get reviewed? that any number of editors edit in a category that doesn't have a 'named' editor. There is most likely changes behind the scenes that you cannot see from the public side.

toopac said:
Anyway, i guess i'll just wait it out, hopefully my submission will be approved before my website closes.
Is your website planning to close soon? If so please let us know, because we wouldn't wish to waste an editors time reviewing a site that is planning on shutting down soon anyway. If you are meaning that your site is dependent on a listing in a directory to continue to operate, I urge you to continue with other site promotional strategies because the goal of the ODP is to build a comprehensive directory of sites not for individual site promotion.


Nov 15, 2004
There are always reasons in a rejection letter. It is most likely one or more of the most common problems with applications. You should re-read the rejection letters again if you are really interested in becoming an editor. They will explain the most common reasons for rejection. My advice if you are truly serious about becoming an editor and think it is something you would like to do (and dedicate some of your free time) then do not give up. Continue to read the rejection letters (the majority of editors will tell you they were rejected several times before getting it right) and continually improve your applications and hopefully eventually you will be accepted.

Like i said previously no rejection email contained any reason for rejection just a standard rejection was issued...

Is your website planning to close soon? If so please let us know, because we wouldn't wish to waste an editors time reviewing a site that is planning on shutting down soon anyway. If you are meaning that your site is dependent on a listing in a directory to continue to operate, I urge you to continue with other site promotional strategies because the goal of the ODP is to build a comprehensive directory of sites not for individual site promotion.

No my site is not closing anytime soon, however all sites close one day unless passed on to another webmaster.

If you are meaning that your site is dependent on a listing in a directory to continue to operate, I urge you to continue with other site promotional strategies

I did not say it was, my site is doing very well already, im absolutely content with it & it's traffic, thanks

the goal of the ODP is to build a comprehensive directory of sites not for individual site promotion

It might be alot more comprehensive with my website included ;)


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
toopac said:
Like i said previously no rejection email contained any reason for rejection just a standard rejection was issued...

As I said all "standard" rejection letters contain the most common reasons for rejections. I don't review apps nor do I have access to them, but from my experiences: Had yours been rejected for reasons other than those standard ones, there most likely would have been an additional reviewer comment. If you didn't see an additional reviewer comment then you can feel pretty confident that it was one of those most common issues. This is good news, it means that you have probably made a simple error that we all make. Like I said, if you are really interested in this great! Keep trying, eventually you will make it if you persist and improve each time. :)

toopac said:
It might be alot more comprehensive with my website included
It very well might at that. Like I said I don't edit in that part of the directory so I cannot make that determination.

*Taking off Editor Hat and replacing with personal hat*-I can say that I did open your main page just out of curiosity. Even though I was not a big fan of the man, I thought what I saw of the site was interesting and well put.

*Editor hat back on*-Whether or not it is listable will have to be determined by the reviewing editor in any case and the above are just personal opinions.

Good luck with the editor application if still interested. Please continue to be patient and keep the upbeat attitude, hopefully someone will be get to the suggestion for a review soon.


Nov 15, 2004
Thank you all...

Good luck with the editor application if still interested. Please continue to be patient and keep the upbeat attitude, hopefully someone will be get to the suggestion for a review soon.

Thanks i'll try to keep upbeat :)
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