www.tilesgranite.com status



Yes, this information is somewhat similar but because of the nature of the BuildDirect site we cannot provide as much information on BuildDirect as on the granite specific site. This is especially true of the granite countertop info on tilesgranite, which is not found anywhere on BuildDirect. Would it be more relevant for the directory if we submitted the http://www.builddirect.com/category/Flooring.aspx page to the directory for all of our stone flooring products?
Thank you for your assistance.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Yes, this information is somewhat similar but because of the nature of the BuildDirect site we cannot provide as much information on BuildDirect as on the granite specific site.

That's fine; all you have to do is just link to the various vanity-domain-named subsites from the main site.

I agree, submitting those sites is a blatant violation of the submittal policies (that bit about "related sites" is precisely referring to this kind of thing.)

Don't do it.


Thanks for your help. I'll just be patient and see what happens to the heap. As we do not have a bricks-and-mortar location, I thought that submitting to a locality category would not be appropriate. Would re-checking on our submission status in 6-8 weeks be appropriate?
Thanks again
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