www.treklife.com where to submit


Mar 7, 2003
Hi Guys could you advise me please on the best place to submit our site www.treklife.com. This is an information site about hiking trekking walking and climbing the world over so is not a locality based site. I am not sure where to submit it to Recreation: Outdoors: or Recreation: Travel or where? Please advise as this site is going to be a world information site we dont want it to be placed in an obscure directory. Your opinon would be very much appreciated.

Andy :cool:


Apr 15, 2003
My own personal opinion is that since you don't have the places that I hike listed, there is not enough content. Likewise for the forums at this point in time.

The individual sites you have may be useful and could be listed be themselves.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
>> Please advise as this site is going to be a world information site we dont want it to be placed in an obscure directory.

We don't list sites based on content they might have at some point in the future. Right now this site has a serious lack of content: the forums are empty, the trekking information is just recycled information from actual trekking tour company web sites, you have less than a handful of reviews in total (1 per section), the health information comes from a tour company site...and don't forget about the bunch of Amazon.com affiliate links. When you have more unique content (i.e. not affiliate links or information from someone else), then worry about where to submit the site.


Mar 7, 2003
' We don't list sites based on content they might have at some point in the future'

motsa Thank you for pointing that out. I realise that the lack of content makes this site unsuitable for submission at this time. I am not ready to submit yet my query is where to submit when I am ready to do so. There is a lot of data yet to be uploaded and when this is completed I will be submitting but I would like advice on where to submit.

As to the content being recycled information, yes some of it is . Most of it is information written by ourselves having trekked kilimanjaro 6 times climbed Mont Blanc Hiked the pyrenees, Climbed Mount Elbrus, Mnt Toukbal and many other treks I can assure you that most of the content will be relevant and not simply recycled from other sites, but one can only state the facts as they are about a location that doesn’t change no matter which site you go to.

The purpose of the site is to pull information together for all trekking, hiking, climbing and walking locations across the planet in to one place to make it easier to find that information. In order to do this we have to use examples of itinerary’s from company’s that provide these tours, this is clearly stated on the page where the data is displayed. If it does not say that then it’s content we have collated from various sources and written up ourselves, some data has to be quoted such as medical data as we are not authoritative enough to give medical advice and we must give the correct information and show it’s source so that the reader can decide if the information is correct or factual.

With regard to Amazon I am unclear as to what the situation is there, like everyone else where trying to cover the costs of maintaining the site. Are Amazon links a problem for submission to ODP?

The forums only have a handful of post’s because it’s a new site. In order to get participation in the forums we would want to submit to ODP to do this., that’s the point of submission so that we can be found so that other like minded people can join us in discussion..

Thanks for the comments guys, very helpful to get a perspective on how you view it and will allow us to make the changes necessary.

Cheers :cool:



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The comment about the Amazon links was there as an additional indication of items that don't count as "unique content", not that the site would be rejected because of them.

>> In order to get participation in the forums we would want to submit to ODP to do this., that’s the point of submission so that we can be found so that other like minded people can join us in discussion..

Again, your review would be based on the actual unique content that you have at the time (e.g. empty forums, itineraries and other essays from other sites, affiliate links, etc., don't count as unique content).


Mar 7, 2003
Thank You Motsa. In light of your comments we have removed the small amount of data that we had from a site we had gained permission from to use some of there data.

The rest of the content on the site is and will be written by ourselves and will be unique to our site.

Itineraries! If you've ever been on one of these overseas treks you will know that this information is an essential part of planning a trip. Where ever we write up about a location we try to give a sample itinerary as an indicator of what one can expect should that trek be chosen.

The forums if not in use when where ready to submit will simply be removed. But we do intend to promote them and build a community, but as I’m sure you’re aware it takes time to build a good site and community, we envisage 6-12 months before where ready to submit to ODP, hopefully by then you will be impressed by our efforts.

Thanks for your opinion much appreciated


Mar 7, 2003

Hi Guys, just thought I'd ask your opinion on how the site is going? Where not ready to submit yet but would like to get your feed back as to how the site is developing as regrads unique content. We have quite a bit of data now more than we expected at this time but are busy compiling more each day.

With the above in mind I'd appreciate your evaluation of the site at this time .

Many Thanks

Andy :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
AndyD said:
Hi Guys could you advise me please on the best place to submit our site www.treklife.com. This is an information site about hiking trekking walking and climbing the world over so is not a locality based site. I am not sure where to submit it to Recreation: Outdoors: or Recreation: Travel or where? Please advise as this site is going to be a world information site we dont want it to be placed in an obscure directory. Your opinon would be very much appreciated.

Andy :cool:

We will not categorize your site on what you say it may become. Nor will we consider how "obscure" the category is -- only whether the CURRENT content in the site fits it.


Mar 7, 2003
hutcheson said:
We will not categorize your site on what you say it may become. Nor will we consider how "obscure" the category is -- only whether the CURRENT content in the site fits it.

Thank you for that hutcheson, but you seem to be replying to my first post in January. I posted asking for an opinoin if the site is heading in the right direction with regard to unique content.

My last post today 08/03/04 is below. Your comments on that would be appreciated.

Hi Guys, just thought I'd ask your opinion on how the site is going? Where not ready to submit yet but would like to get your feed back as to how the site is developing as regrads unique content. We have quite a bit of data now more than we expected at this time but are busy compiling more each day.

With the above in mind I'd appreciate your evaluation of the site at this time .

Many Thanks



Apr 15, 2003
But you said "how the site is going" implying it's still under development, therefore you are asking for a review of our guess of what it may be like in the future.

Anyway, I don't believe we do site reviews here.


Mar 7, 2003
bobrat said:
But you said "how the site is going" implying it's still under development, therefore you are asking for a review of our guess of what it may be like in the future.

Anyway, I don't believe we do site reviews here.

Thank you for the reply bobrat ( An interesting name) I'm not looking for a site review just some FRIENDLY advice. I'll take it yours is meant to be just that.

Thank you



Apr 15, 2003
I'm suggesting that what you ask is off topic for this forum. As it says in the guidelines - http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=396

This forum is not intended for site analysis.... Please avoid discussing any aspect of the site except its submission status.

There are many other forums out there that will do a site review, and give suggestions on imporving content.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.