


Is there any way to check the status of my listing? I have request a listing for www.wcgcollects.com in the catagory. Top: Business: Financial Services: Credit and Collection: Collection Services , The reason I ask is that this site had an editor, now it doesn't and I have been requesting a review every 6 weeks since last september. I have also applied to this section to become an editor and was regected. I know the importance of being listed in dmoz and the relationship between them and google. Is there any thing that I would need to change about my site to get it listed? Any comments would be appreciated.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The right place to ask would have been the Submission Status forum but since you've asked here, I'll tackle it here. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I have also applied to this section to become an editor and was rejected
This section is much too large for a new editor to start out in.

I have been requesting a review every 6 weeks...
Don't. There is no reason for you to continually resubmit your site -- all that does is move your site further down the list if an editor sorts by date. Your last submission, from Dec. 16, is in the queue awaiting review along with under 100 others. All you need to do now is wait patiently (I warn you, though, that it could be awhile before your site is reviewed). You can come back in a month to this thread (don't start a new one) to ask about the status again.

[could a moderator please move this thread to the Submission Status forum? Thanks]


Thank you for your reply, You can see that I am waiting patiently. I appoligize for not putting this in the right fourum.

&gt;&gt; [could a moderator please move this thread to the Submission Status forum? Thanks]

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.