
Hello to all the wonderful people who make DMOZ the great resource it is!

I have a question: is there something wrong with my site?

I submitted it 10 months ago to http://dmoz.org/Business/Real_Estate/Directories/ . Since then I've resubmitted to other categories as well. No response.

I feel the site has useful, unique content, presented pleasingly.

Your verdict? What can I do to help?



May 26, 2002
It was deleted for having inadequete content, mostly linking to other places at the time it was reviewed.

The multiple submissions to multiple categories is getting the site a reputation for spamming the directory. At least 6 editors have been involved in dealing with your various widely flung submissions.

Re: www.where-can-we-buy-and-sell-a-house-online.c

Submitting to several categories hasn't helped your site's chance for a listing. At least one of your submissions has been shuffled around without finding a home.

It seems that the site is hard to classify, and some folks think that the content is inadequate to justify a listing.


Hello giz,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Wow, I'm glad I asked about the site. I humbly apologize for the multiple submissions.

As to the content linking to other sites, I designed it that way. Isn't that the nature of the WWW? Rather than rewrite content presented elsewhere, I link to it. The whole utility of my site is that I've spent the time to collect, review and add value to information available elsewhere on the Net.

Short of rewriting the site, is there anything else I can do? Could I resubmit as is, and which of the categories I've tried would you suggest?



Re: www.where-can-we-buy-and-sell-a-house-online.c

Hello kctipton,

Thank-you for your candid reply.

I realize now submitting multiple times was a mistake. Are any of the submissions still pending or have all of them been deleted?

Once I've added more unique content to my site, how do I go about resubmitting?




May 26, 2002
>> Rather than rewrite content presented elsewhere, I link to it. <<

Unfortunately (for you), since the ODP is a Directory, we like to list that content directly, rather than list other sites that provide lists of sites. _Unique_ content is what we are looking for, and some of the editors who reviewed the site didn't find enough of it to merit a listing. As kctipton also said; one of your submissions has been passed around several categories as an appropriate home was attempted to be found for it. So the site is borderline, some editors feel that it might merit a listing somewhere, but not where it was submitted. I think this does demonstrate that most editors have a commitment to find a home for listings where possible. It is (I believe) still awaiting review in its latest resting place. I wouldn't resubmit, unless you get absolute confirmation that all submissions have been cleared/deleted; and then I would not resubmit until there is much more [unique] content. Any such submission should include a link to this thread [ URL ] to avoid someone deleting it having read only the previous editor notes.

I am impressed that your XHTML site _almost_ validates [ Validation Results ]. Just three missing '/' from the end of some Meta tags and no Character Set declaration. Validation isn't a requirement to be listed, but it does help if the code is well formed, as then the site can actually be reviewed by an editor. You would be surprised at the number of badly coded sites that cannot be reviewed as the content isn't rendered properly (or even at all in some cases!).

Hello giz,

Thanks again for your help with my site. I've corrected the errors and it now validates. All in all, a good day. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


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