Yahoo Store! Policy Guidelines/Problem


Mar 18, 2004
Would it be possible for someone at DMOZ to provide the guidelines on Yahoo! Stores. If there are not any perhaps it might help to have some.

I am invloved with two stores that are refused listings b/c of the Yahoo! infrastructure I use. THe site I am most concerned with, Euro Jersey Imports [http:www/] submitted in the category.

While this site contains 100% unique, and in some cases, proprietary, content it has been denied inclusion into your directory b/c on checkout the URL changes from www.euro... to Older sites on the legacy platform manage to get listings a good part of the time with their URL. THe new Yahoo Platfrorm allows one to keep an "ordinary" URL for everything until the shopping cart and subsequent checkout flow.

I thought this would be better for search engines and directories so I chose this path (I could have used the old method of To create the method I have chosen I created a consistent look and feel in the cart and from anywhere in the cart or checkout pages all links go back to pages with the address.

I use Yahoo as my cart/commerce solution b/c they are a respected company and offer the perfect solution for my business. My content as mentioned is completely unique (and popular if attributed to sales). On the site status forum I was told via an editor-poster that my site constitued an affiliate relationship. This is not the case...Yahoo simply hosts the cart. We use a hosted merchant solution so we do not have to pay an IT professional (couldn't if we wanted to) to manage gateways, secure servers etc. This solution allows good ideas to propagate where they would have been stifled several years ago.

What is the policy regarding a Yahoo hosted store. Should we use the method. The method allowed by Yahoo MErchant Solutions seems like a better idea yet we are still being penalized. I'll re-structure but what should we do and what is the proper method in order to be listed in DMOZ. Do we have to switch to another vendor such as Powerful Hosting in order to be included. That does not make much sense.

We have another unrelated store on the old system. Any suggestions would be much appreciated and surely save a lot of people, including yourselves, a lot of time. It would also allow some sites with good, rich content, admittance into your directory and exposure to more people who are looking for it.

Thanks for your time


Mar 26, 2002
There is no guideline against Yahoo stores. There are many Yahoo stores listed in the directory. Yahoo provides a backend shopping cart solution for many businesses that have listings in the ODP.

Our policy is against affiliate stores and that policy can be read in the guidelines. There is no secret yahoo store policy and rejecting a listing based on the fact the store is using a yahoo shopping cart is not in the guidelines.

Whoever told you that we don't list yahoo stores is wrong.


Mar 18, 2004
thehelper said:
There is no guideline against Yahoo stores. There are many Yahoo stores listed in the directory. Yahoo provides a backend shopping cart solution for many businesses that have listings in the ODP.

Our policy is against affiliate stores and that policy can be read in the guidelines. There is no secret yahoo store policy and rejecting a listing based on the fact the store is using a yahoo shopping cart is not in the guidelines.

Whoever told you that we don't list yahoo stores is wrong.

I was told I was an affiliate store. This is impossible as I am the only person in the world selling international basketball jerseys. All sales take place on my site (and the Yahoo cart). The only reason I could be considered, in any way, as an affiliate is b/c the URL changes on checkout (from to

It seems to me an editor may have been unfamiliar with a Yahoo Store set-up. What steps do I take to rectify the fact that I am being considered an affiliate b/c my URL changes on checkout?


Mar 26, 2002
You might be right. I suppose a new editor or one not so familiar with online shopping might confuse a yahoo store as an affiliate. Hang tight for a while OK while I check into this.
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