Yes or No!


Feb 1, 2007
4's really amazing, with all of todays technology, that people have to wait YEARS to get their site listed when dmoz has tens of thousands of editors! but anyway, can we at least be told if our site was accepted or not? or do we have to keep submitting and wondering if someone reviewed our site? can we at least get a Yes or No!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We tell EVERYONE when a site is accepted -- there is no way to keep it a secret.

There's no point in discussing rejected sites, so we pretty much don't.

Nobody ever needs to wait for anything from the ODP: if you can improve your site, you can start doing it right now (there's never any need to get permission from a volunteer at some other website.) And if you can't, then what does it matter whether it's rejected? (What can you do, if you can't improve the site anyway?)

So your best strategy is to suggest the site, then ignore what the ODP does and focus on what you can do. We encourage you doing that, by not giving you irrelevant information.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> can we at least be told if our site was accepted or not?

> or do we have to keep submitting

> and wondering if someone reviewed our site?

> can we at least get a Yes or No!

You asked for yes or no. ;)
If you are interested in longer answers I advise you tor read our FAQ.


Feb 1, 2007
I submit my site to lots of directories and I do get accepted or rejected emails. It's NOT that complicated. The sytem should save submissions in a database and have an interface for editors to just click accepted or not, the system will send us notifications. I'm not asking YOU to write me a long email, just a Yes or No when you review the site, FROM THE SYSTEM. Just like when you order something and get a confirmation email. Just so we know. And OFCOURSE we will continue to promote our site elsewhere, with or without dmoz, did you think we're just gonna sit back and wait for YEARS?! When I tried to submit my site a few months ago, the submission page said the system was down, I thought it was just for a few hours but it turned out to be not for hours, nor days, nor weeks BUT MONTHS! face it, dmoz doesn't have a bad system, it doesn't a system at all!


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
Those expectations might be realistic if we were a listing service. But we're not. We're a group of volunteers who are building a directory. We accept suggestions as just one of our sources of sites. Since we aren't a listing service, we make no promises of when we'll look at the suggestions in a particular category. All of the editors are volunteers, and they all decide independently what of a number of possible tasks they will do when they login.

We don't notify those who suggest sites for several reasons. Editors have been harassed, threatened, and even stalked for not listing sites. Additionally, that notification helps spammers and those who try to manipulate the system.

Please do not submit sites repeatedly. It not only can waste the editor's time, but if an editor decides to sort suggestions by date, repeat suggestions will keep your suggestion at the bottom of the pile.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Omar, the Announcements forum contains a thread with a short list of the most important reasons why we do not and will not do what you want: check out .

You may not have been aware of it--you may not have been active on the internet at the time, but this forum was STARTED by people who WANTED to give people status reports like you wish. If all had gone another way, it might have served as the essential pilot project for a more-automated system, like what you fantasized. (There is still a whole forum full of archived responses to questions.) But we were convinced, convinced by the facts, convinced by real experience of what actually happens, convinced against our inclinations, that what we wanted, was an extremely bad idea. And after experience taught us the painful lesson, we could listen to logic telling us that we should have known it all along. (Logic is a wonderful thing.)


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
it's really amazing, with all of todays technology, that people have to wait YEARS to get their site listed when dmoz has tens of thousands of editors!
First all we don't have "tens of thousands" of current editors. The number is somewhere between 5000 and 8000 I think. Secondly, technology doesn't alter the fact that we need to review the sites suggested to us by hand, and this takes time. Finally, all the editors are volunteers and we get a lot of sites suggested to us (many of which turn out not to be listable according to our guidelines). All in all, I don't find the long times experienced by some people to be that amazing at all... ;-)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The perception of long lines are a result of two factors, and both of them are the same thing.

One of the factors is spammers, who suggested their sites eight years ago and are "still waiting for a listing" ... and they can very well wait until doomsday, and I don't mind if they hold their breath also.

The other factor is spammers also: doing their dead level worst to block EVERYONE'S attempts to find good information ... slowing editors down, making our work less productive, and hiding good sites from everyone.

So the search engines are filled with doorway spam and the site suggestion pools are filled with submittal spam. Editors are free to use any tool to dig through the spam looking for non-rancid chunks, but the simple fact is, there's no conceivable way to guarantee we'll find ALL the good bits in any finite time. (And anyone who suggests ANYTHING as such a conceivable way is just showing his own abysmal ignorance!)


Jan 25, 2007
Submit it and forget about it

omar6627, you have only 1 option , ... submit it and forget about it ...

While the odp data is used by many sites, soon it will only count as 1 vote in serps. Why ? It's the same data replicated many times. The exception are sites that combine different sources and these are very few.

BTW, Power tends to be viewed differently by those who have it and those who do not. ... " Those with power are frequently least aware of or least willing to acknowledge its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence " ...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Power, as a goal, is, purely and simply, a great evil.

Power, as a side-effect of some action, is, purely and simply, an expression of trust from the people who found that action helpful. (You might call it a social convention, if you like: furthermore, call it a delusion if the person is untrustworthy.)

Funny thing, though, most people just flat don't trust people who see power as a pursuit. That's wise.

Hence the dichotomy you mention. The people who are very vocal about not having power are self-selected as precisely the people who least deserve trust. The people who aren't concerned about power are the people who notice that (for them as for everyone else on earth) there is more good in their power to do, than there is time for them to do it.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
Slightly off-topic ...

plasmator said:
While the odp data is used by many sites, soon it will only count as 1 vote in serps. Why ? It's the same data replicated many times.

So what does this mean for article marketing? :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
My personal estimate is that there are several million listable (but unlisted) sites -- and perhaps as many as half a million unlistable (but listed) sites.

There are also several million websites that are TRYING to get listed -- but not trying to provide any unique information.
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