Your Opinion Please


Dec 2, 2004
Hello Everybody! Just got done with my website... It's an educational website, where all the people would get together discuss on one thing and come out another....A scholars community....It should works like how Paulo Freire defines proper education. Right now, i would like to submit it to dmoz directory, but i'm not sure if my website is good enough. Please tell me your opinion...

Thx alot.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
That's not a service we provide.

In general, if a site contains unique and useful content and isn't positively user hostile, we'll list it. All you have to do is select the one most appropriate cateory, suggest it there and then wait for an editor to review it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't need to provide it -- here -- because we provide it (to EVERY site) over there at All you have to do is suggest it.


Nov 8, 2004
Just a member here, so nothing I say is pertinent to whether the site is suitable for an ODP listing - just how one visitor found it.

I had a quick look at your site, you may find the following comments useful:

Layout looks nice and clean, liked the artwork.

Navigation - seems clear except that it is probably better to have a tab called "Register" rather than relying on just the link from the "Three reasons..." phrase.

Forum looks good, but not many posts yet. If it were me I would want to get a few more in there before submitting the site anywhere.

Spelling and grammar - I got the impression that a lot of the site content (including forum headings) had been written by someone whose first language is not English, I apologise if that isn't the case. There is one example in your "three reasons to register". You might want to get someone to proof-read it for you.

The biggest problem I encountered was not being able to easily work out what the site was about. A site needs something brief on the front page to tell visitors where they have arrived. A more detailed explanation can then be on the "about" page,

On the positive side, it would appear to be an interesting (and maybe unique) concept for a website and deserves to be taken further.

In summary, what you have so far looks good, but there is still work to be done. You need some feedback now from others on what their impressions are.

Unfortunately this forum is not the place to get a critique, I hope the editors don''t mind that I have attempted to give one.

Good luck with the project! :)
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