Zhuang characters -- submit url where?


Nov 2, 2006
Dear dmoz,

first let me say I think that you do a wonderful job registering URLs. I wish to register a URL of my sourceforge project, about Asian characters and in particular Sawndip or Zhuang characters . I have a webb page, but my problem is the category doesn't seem to exist.

Going through I get to ares that talk about CKJV [Chinese Korean Japanese Vietnamese] , for example Computers: Software: Globalization: Language Specific: CJKV, but the problem is the language is Zhuang, not one of the four above. but it does use characters like the other four above. It is Zhuang spoken by over 10 million people. Over 5 thousand characters exist in that language that are not in in unicode, but project gives some information both on those in unicode and those not in unicode.

In passing the language Zhuang does not appear under the world list of languages.

What category should I submit under? Or should I request a new category?

Yours sincerely

I don't know if I allowed to put the URL on the forum or not?


Curlie Meta
Nov 4, 2004
As far as I know, the Zhuang(Sawndip) language is used by the Zhuang people who live in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China. Right? ;)
In passing the language Zhuang does not appear under the world list of languages.
I wish to register a URL of my sourceforge project, about Asian characters and in particular Sawndip or Zhuang characters .
What language do your sites belong to? Or you mean your sites which are written in other language (English?) but are about the language Zhuang? Zhuang is a tonal language in China, so I guess most of official documents or websites there are written in Chinese characters. Right? :confused: :rolleyes:


Nov 2, 2006
Yes they live mainly in Guangxi China.

Offical Zhuang documents and webb sites are written in standard Zhuang, which now uses the Enlish alpahabete.

Sawndip -- referes to the system of writing Zhuang using "Chinese" characters, the system is similar to the Chu Nom of Vietnam. Many of the most common charcters used are not yet in unicode -- for example the character used for "lwg" which means child. made of 子 and 力 written together, 子 giving the idea and 力 which gives the sound ( in Cantonese this is also a closed syllable) .

Over half of the 10 thosand the characters in the 1989 dictionary Sawndip Sawdenj are not in unicode.



Nov 2, 2006
Zhuang is a language in itself not a dialect of Chinese -- therefore the designation cjkv in my mind could be better described as cjkvz. :)


Nov 2, 2006

I have read the “ 暂停网站状态查询请求 ”, even if everything was working well I wouldn't know which category to put Zhuang Sawndip under.

I have produce the material largely because so little is availble concerning this writing system, and hope that what I have done will help others to produce more and better material.

Even searches in Chinese for say 方块壮字 also produce very little.



Curlie Meta
Nov 4, 2004
Zhuang is a language in itself not a dialect of Chinese
All Tai languages are tone languages. Zhuang belongs to the Tai language group which includes Thai, the national language of Thailand.

It's not essential to judge whether a language is a dialect or not, if a language category could be added enough good sites and categories, then in my opinion this world category could be considered to move to public from Test/World. ;)

What language are your sites? Can you read/write this kind of language? ;)
Would you like to become an editor for the world category "Zhuang" in Test/World/Zhuang? :rolleyes:


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
A few things that may help:

1/ We first classify sites by the language they are written in. Sites with content in English go in the main directory. Sites with content in other langauges go inder the appropriate category under http://dmoz.org/World/ . World/Language-X is for sites in Language-X, not sites written in English (or any other language except X) which happen to be about language-X. Multilingual sites can have a listing in each language they have content in.

2/ For sites in English describing a particular language and it's usage etc. you probably want to look under http://dmoz.org/Science/Social_Sciences/Linguistics/Languages/Natural/ . For sites in English about language-specific aspects of software globalisation then somewhere under http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Globalization/Language_Specific/ is going to be the best place. For similar sites in other languages, then find the equivalent categories under http://dmoz.org/World/

3/ If you would expect your site to belong under a sub-category which doesn't exist, then the appropriate place to suggest your site is the parent category in which the sub-category would reside. As long as you're resonably close with your suggestion, the editor will move the site to the right place before publishing it.

4/ If you think a sub-category might be better-scoped to include some other topic(s) related to a site you're suggesting, you might like to add a comment in the submitted description, like this "blah, blah, blah... [perhaps better to rescope sub-category XYZ to include UVW too]". Equally, if there's a missing sub-category, you could add "[should belong in sub-category for XYZ]".


Nov 2, 2006
Dear chaos127,

I think I am fairly clear from your reply what to do about the particular site I wish to submit at the moment, since at present it is mainly in English with some Chinses. The submit to the parent directory with a suggestion for a new category.

Thank you for your advice

Dear Flora,

My Zhuang is not that good {it is neither my first or secind language] , however if there is a Test/World/Zhuang I for one would be interested in seeing it become public. What is involved -- going through existing sites and categorsing them, or dealing with new applications? I know that in the future I will be involved in some Zhuang webb sites on the technical side. I live in Guangxi , and might be able to get others to help. I am also aware of some of the difficulties there might be. I would certainly be interested in knowing more about this, as I have a strong interest in seeing more Zhuang on the internet.

Yours sincerely


Curlie Meta
Nov 4, 2004
I would certainly be interested in knowing more about this, as I have a strong interest in seeing more Zhuang on the internet.
Me too. ;)


Nov 2, 2006
There doesn't seem to be a http://dmoz.org/Test/World/Zhuang -- though I was not able to go to http://dmoz.org/Test/, an ordinary username and password are maybe not suffcient.

Earlier was mentioned
2/ For sites in English describing a particular language and it's usage etc. you probably want to look under http://dmoz.org/Science/Social_Scien...uages/Natural/ . For sites in English about language-specific aspects of software globalisation then somewhere under http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/G...uage_Specific/ is going to be the best place. For similar sites in other languages, then find the equivalent categories under http://dmoz.org/World/

none of these 3 has Zhuang as a category -- I would feel more suitable to be an editor for Zhuang as a Science/.. or Computers/.. ; rather than World/.. the former two being closer to my areas of expetise. How would one go about getting these categories created to be an editor of?



Curlie Meta
Nov 4, 2004
chaos127 had given you his suggestion. See
3/ If you would expect your site to belong under a sub-category which doesn't exist, then the appropriate place to suggest your site is the parent category in which the sub-category would reside. As long as you're resonably close with your suggestion, the editor will move the site to the right place before publishing it.
johnkn63, since you can't read/write Zhuang language fluently, it's inappropriate for you to be an editor for World category. Hopefully someone could edit it one day. ;)


Nov 2, 2006
I agree entirely that I would not be the right person to edit a World/Zhuang category:icon_idea .

I would be very suited to a edit Computer/ .../Zhuang, and maybe even to edit a Science/ /Zhuang .

If the absence of an editor was the reason for non-existance of a World/Zhuang/ category I might well be able to find some-one suitable to be an editor.


Nov 2, 2006
Dear All,

after four months (October to February) the google robots reached the web page I was seeking to registar, it shows up now if on the first page searches for Zhuang sawndip ( and probably somewhere if one types Zhuang characters ).

I hope the technical problems are soon solved
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.