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Hey, that's not a fair question. Who knows why government sites link _anywhere_?


The U.S. Department of the Interior has not one but two humongous sites, each with pages for (almost) every National Park. Are they cross-linked? And why not? Don't ask, nobody will admit the real answer. (After all, neither one has a page on Roswell.)


Bureaucratic turf-warlords. Bah.


Don't worry, I know what aki is getting at. The .co.uk site is a commercial site and the .gov.uk site is the information site, because the .gov.uk domains cannot be commercial.


I think we've had a discussion like this before in this forum, and reached the same conclusion.


At least the CADW site works in Netscape 6/7 - if only English Heritage would be so kind as to follow suit...


Hi motsa

If you think that this site not belong to the government then click on "home" and see where it will take you or on "contact Cadw" and look for the e-mail address




Government politic with the main site developers



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