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status http://championshipphoto.com

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I submitted http://championshipphoto.com to the category http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/A/Alamo/Business_and_Economy/


I can tell from my stats that it was reviewed over last weekend, but it has not yet been listed.


You may notice that I'm posting for the second time in a few days; I asked about the status of http://sarawaters.com in yesterday's post to this forum. It was submitted to the same category. Perhaps the same thing happened to this submission? (I wish I knew how to link to that thread) It was accidentally moved -- not copied -- to the appropriate Business directory.


Nice editors helped me out big time with my last post. Does my explanation help sort out the mess, or has http://championshipphoto.com been rejected?


Thanks in advance for your help. I'm sorry to be a thorn in your side!




Yep, I edit regional and it makes it hard to correctly place a site when the most basic information is missing. Just looked at the site and couldn't find any locality info at all either. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Oh, dear. You are right... I didn't realize that it made no mention of the area. It has been fixed now... all footer info, the index page, contact page and about us page all refer to the regional area now.


What's the best way to rectify this embarrasing situation? Should I resubmit?



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I made note in our editors notes that you rectified your lack of contact location, and referenced the thread here. I also moved the site back to Alamo/B&E.


However, if a client/customer were to walk into your office or mail off a check for payment, where would they/it go? *That's* the type of contact information we need to see for Regional. If you could add a mailing address, we'd be much happier reviewers.


Thanks for that, It's not just useful for us, but useful for your customers as well.


By the way your copyright notice didn't update - still says 2001 <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -completely irrelevant to us, just thought you'd like to know.


I am *very* glad to know... it is fixed now. This is above and beyond, and it is much appreciated.


Thanks so much!

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