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Status of http://www.caloriesperhour.com/

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I submitted an update for http://dmoz.org/Health/Weight_Loss/ back on July 2, 2002. Should I re-submit?


The update was very specific. It simply added BMI as the calculator now calculates three things.


New title: Calories Burned, BMI and BMR Calculator


New Description: Calculate BMI (body mass index), BMR (basal metabolic rate), and the calories burned performing hundreds of different activities.


Thank you very much, Peter


Did you use the "add" or the "update" link? If you use the add link, sometimes the reviewer won't notice it's an update and will delete it since it is visually flagged as already listed. It looks like the submission was deleted along with a bunch of others like that. If you use the "update" link, the submission will be visually flagged as an update.


[added] unless you submitted more than once. In that case, the duplicate submission may still be there. Someone with privs there will have to come along with more info.


I printed a copy of it and it has the "Update URL" button at the bottom. Should I do it again?


Thanks, Peter


That's perfect and I am very grateful for your help.


I don't want to "wear out my welcome," but I submitted a VERY minor change to the description of another website on April 7, and a new website on June 18, and no action has been taken on those. Should I post about those here now?

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