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little mistake in submission

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That's actually a common mistake and there is an automatic alert to warn editors about multiple http://http:// .


Actually, checking the unreviewed queue for http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Counties/San_Diego/Guides_and_Directories doesn't show any sites awaiting review. Plus, there are no tags currently logs on your site to say it has been reviewed by another editor. If you submitted your site in the last 14 hours, you may need to resubmit as the ODP has suffered a bit of downtime which affected the back-end systems: therefore there is a chance your site submission may have got lost. It may also be worth double-checking the category you submitted to.


It is one of those annoying things that quite a few submitters do; however the editor will simply correct the entry - we know what you meant!


You would be surprised at the number of people who put the Title in the URL box, the URL in the description box, don't write a title or description, forget to include the URL, or make such a bad mistype of what they meant that the editor is unable to find anything via Google to match and guess what was meant. This is a little error, so don't panic, it won't be a problem!



As beebware thinks that the submission hasn't arrived in the system this time, please submit it again.


I just resubmitted the site, This time I didn't copy & paste the url.

I've doublechecked the category, I think it's the right one.

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