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my site was removed? please advice http://www.saint-petersburg-hotels.com/

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Dear Editors,

I would like to ask you to review my web site http://www.saint-petersburg-hotels.com which has been in Dmoz directory http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Russia/Administrative_Regions/Saint_Petersburg/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/ since 2000/2001

Our site was one of the first in this category


It has never been off line and now suddenly our listing disappeared.

Please advice what happened and what we should do to get back.


Thank you,



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Please could you be more specific


The ODP does not list affiliate sites, so unfortunately there isn't anything you can do. Sorry.

The ODP does not list affiliate sites, so unfortunately there isn't anything you can do. Sorry.


affiliate? where did ODP find affiliate information on our web-site http://www.saint-petersburg-hotels.com ???

all content and descriptions - unique, written by our editors. all hotels reservations going through our sales person


what does it mean affiliate site?????


thank you



The ODP does not list affiliate sites, so unfortunately there isn't anything you can do. Sorry.


Saint-petersburg-hotels.com is not affiliate with any other company or reservation system!!!!

it is not even online reservation system!!! all requests as e-mails going directly to our back office.


I do not understand...

The ODP does not list affiliate sites, so unfortunately there isn't anything you can do. Sorry.



could you please tell me the difference between http://www.saint-petersburg-hotels.com which you have removed form directory ann http://www.st-petersburg-hotels.com which is in your directory http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Russia/Administrative_Regions/Saint_Petersburg/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/


or it http://www.st-petersburg-hotels.com also will be removed?

all sites offers accommodation not only in 1 hotel you can count as affiliate sites with oficail hotels sites?


...and, we do not get into the game of comparing and contrasting competing websites. Each decision for inclusion or exclusion is made at the time of the review and is based on the guidlelines at the time of the review. The rules for inclusion get stricter as time passes, and while we do periodically go back into categories and weed out non-comforming sites, that is not the highest priority we have.


If you believe that a site is inappropraitely listed in the directory, you may submit the URL and your reasoning to the abuse thread elsewhere in the forum. We will not, however, consider a removal request along the lines of "site abc.com is listed and their site is worse than mine that was not listed."


And...any action you take along those lines will do absolutely nothing to assist you getting your site listed -- short of you making your site guidelines compliant.

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