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Advice on category entry

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I think that either

a) Top: Business: Business Services: Translation: Multiple Language


b) Top: Computers: Software: Globalization: Computer Aided Translation

would be appropriate for http://www.idoctra.com, but I'm searching your advice for following reasons:


1. Category a) has various subcategories, which all relate to geographical locations. As idoctra's community and product services are international, is it legitime to apply for an entry in the mentioned category? Imho it's somehow not fair play to set the page in top of a four-digit-number of participants...

And as for b) Computer Aided Translation ist the product, but that's not the only aspect of the site, as it povides other (free) services as well, targeet to translators and linguists.

I really much would appreciate your advice on this.


2. As mentioned, the site provides several community services, amongst them a chat for translators and linguists in many languages. Now to my surprise I realize, that somebody entered this one service into

World: Deutsch: Computer: Internet: WWW: Webchat

which _per se_ isn't that wrong, but would prevent the planned entry (if I'm right). The question here is: How can I get rid of that entry (which I really do not know where it comes from) in order to submit to a more suitable category?


Thanks for your contributions.



Herbert (aka Hermes)




is your site in German only, or do you have a language detection on your Website ? I just get a German version with no choice of any other language.


If your site is German only than it can't be listed anywhere outside of World/Deutsch.


<added>Sorry, I just saw that you also have a Dutch version which could maybe be listed in World/Nederlands. But this doesn't change anything to the fact that you can't be listed outside of a World category if you don't have an English version of your site. </added>


<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Hi senox


Thanks for your answer.


There is a choice to switch languages, it should be pretty good visible at the top of the menu <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


As for the languages: The actual languages are German (which is the "source" language of the sity) and Dutch (which is also available via http://nld.idoctra.com); English and French (and I hope more) will follow in time.


<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />



Yes, I didn't see the menu immediately, maybe I should have some more coffee.


Unfortunately for you this doesn't change anything concerning my previous conclusion : no English version, no listing outside of a World category. If you want to discuss the placement of your site within World/Deutsch, I suggest you post in the Deutsch forum at http://www.resource-zone.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=Deutsch


<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Thanks for your advice, I will follow that.


However, hope you don't mind to reply to the following thoughts:


Just being curious <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> : What, if the page is translated from German into, say, Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish, but not into English? Do you mean, that the site then should be submitted to 5 different language levels? <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> As far as I understood, this would conflict with the odp guidelines. Or am I wrong?


Let's furthermore suppose, that the page is translated also into English (after the first 5 language level entries have been made): Do the former entries have to be removed in favour of the World entry? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Nevertheless, thanks for your advice <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />



  • Meta
Yes it's confusing. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Sites in multiple languages are the exception to the "rules" that are the guidelines. Sites may be listed in Topical (Arts/, Business/, etc) and/or Regional for each language in which they are written. So an attorney may be listed in the Law category and the Regional location of their firm for each language in which their site is translated.

>>What, if the page is translated from German into, say, Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish, but not into English? Do you mean, that the site then should be submitted to 5 different language levels?<<


If a site's content is available in more than one language, the site may be listed in more than one language category. Please see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html#multi-lingual and http://dmoz.org/World/world.html#faq . Each of the language versions of your site should be complete and have enough unique content to justify a listing. This will be decided by the editors who will review your site (most probably one for each language).


This should also answer your question regarding an additional English version.


<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


OK mngolden and senox, that makes it a lot clearer <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


So the appropriate procedure for "my case" would be: Application for the German language and for the Dutch language and presumerably very soon thereafter for the French language <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Thanks the both of you for your kind advice. I will have a look for the best category within the appropriate language levels, but be warned, I could come back and bother you again, as soon as we found a volunteer translator for the English translation <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />



  • Meta

Just a note on this one:


In my experience several sites are translated in a way that makes naviagtion nearly impossible for other languages but the main one. So some thoughts on "How to make it easy for an editor to review a multilingual site"


a) We will list the main page (start page) anyway, there should be some possibility to choose languages right there - i.e. at the beginning.

b) Keep the languages differed. No buttons that switch over to another language without a notice. I saw sites that forced me to click on "german" for every page I wanted to view in that language...

c) Provide a set of buttons for every language <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> This way we can easily spot the contwent that we are looking for.


Hey, and if the site pleases editors - its most likely to please customers as well <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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