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Status of http://www.QDeals.com

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Hello everybody.


First of all, thanks for all the works you guys are doing at DMOZ.


I submitted a site http://www.QDeals.com in the category Home: Homemaking: Frugality: Refunding several months ago. I may have submitted twice. Please excuse me if that caused any problem. I really did not want to SPAM. The site did not apprear in the listing after the first time. So I just wanted to be sure that I provided all the information correctly.


After a month or so, I sent an email to the category editor just to check the status. So far I did not get any reply. I understand that. It might not be policy to reply back to the email asking for submission status.


Is there any way to find out what is the status of my submission? If it was rejected, what can I do to make it a part of the directory?


Thanks in advance for all answers.

It's still there in a fairly short queue. It was submitted on 3rd September so it hasn't really been there that long. There is an editor listed for that category so you shouldn't have to wait too long.
Thanks dfy. You saved my day. That was the date when I submitted for the second time. (I know it is probably impossible to predict any update frequency.) But how frequently does this category get updated? I see last time it was updated on early June. I hope it would not be too long.
  • 3 weeks later...

I was looking around DMOZ and noticed the category I submitted my site was last updated on June 2. The editor is very active in the other categories. Some of them were updated this month. I was wondering whether there is any internal messaging or something in ODP which alerts the editor(s) when there is a queue waiting to be reviewed. It has been 5 months almost this category has been updated. I understand all ODP editors use their spare time to work in the directory. Still 5 months? Isn't little too long?


I found another category where sites similar to mine are listed http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/WWW/Free_Stuff/Surfer_Rewards/. Is it possible and advisable to move a site submission request to another category? I am new to this. Please help me out.


Thanks for reading this note and spending your valuable time managing the directory.


The date at the bottom of the category may well be incorrect, since we have been having technical difficulties recently.


Yes, editors do have the ability to see when there are unreviewed sites in any of the categories they look after, but they are free to choose which categories they wish to work in at any given time. I'm afraid you'll just have to be patient.


It is possible for us to move a submission from one category to another, but you'll need to be sure that the category is appropriate for your site. If it isn't, the editor that reviews your site will simply move it back again, and you'll have to wait even longer.


Thanks dfy for your reply. I had given a thought to change the category and realized that you are right. It might be even more delayed if I change the category now.


June 2 last update date might not be correct. But it did not change for sure since August. I submitted in August for the first time and monitoring the category since then. I read in this site that if a category editor is not active then the editing authority "times out". Is that inactivity relates to one specific category or all categories the editor is assigned to? I am worried if that happens to this category, my site listing might be even more delayed. The editor is very active in the other categories. He/she just updated one category on Nov 1. The category I submitted to is relatively small with only 20 entries. As you wrote earlier the queue is also very small. I know that I need to be a little bit more patient. But you know human nature is always to find something to get worried about. And I am no exception.


You have been very helpful. Thanks again.

Editor accounts will time out if an editor is inactive, but this doesn't go down to category level. Eidtors are entitled to choose where they wish to work and we can't force them to clean up any specific category. I'm afraid you'll just have to be a bit more patient. Someone will come and go through the queue one day.
  • 2 weeks later...
I just saw the category I applied to was updated today. Unfortunately my site is not listed. Can anyone please tell me why my site was rejected? Thanks.

It hasn't been rejected. It just hasn't been reviewed yet.


The 'Last updated:' time at the bottom of the page may mean nothing at all. An editor could have just done a flying-visit to correct a mis-spelling in that category, de-cloak URLs, remove known spammy/dead/affiliate URLs (we've got "teams" of editors which do these) - or the editor in question only had time to review one or two sites before they had to go do some "real life work". We don't say to editors "You _have_ to review every single site at once".


What I can tell you is that the category was updated for one of the reasons above. Just be patient.

Thanks beebware. I noticed one of the sites (number one with a *) was removed and the "Last updated" date was changed. So I was worried. Thanks again for the clarification.
  • 3 weeks later...
Another 3 weeks of l-o-n-g wait. Is my site still there in the queue? Apeuro mentioned in another thread that there is an ongoing discussion about this category on whether it should be removed or should it remain as is. Is this holding up the review/listing of my site? Any help will be appreciated.

Just saw my site has been listed this morning <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> . Many thanks guys/gals. I applied to become an editor. If I am selected, hopefully I'll be able to help in future.


Good luck. Keep up the good work.

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