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Thanks John.


But I cannot see it - it is still showing the old information.


Does it take time to be uploaded or have I missed something.


Appreciate your help.




Old Title: Hipsville

Old Desc: UK based Rat Pack tribute show. Set list, sound clips, and photos.


New Title: Hipsville: The Rat Pack Vegas Experience

New Desc: Contains set list, sound clips, photos, and information about the originals. Based out of the United Kingdom.


Dear djdeeds


Now Im totally confused.


Why would anyone want to change their title from - Hipsville - to - Hipsville ?


The title and description change I submitted after advice from a meta editor was -


Title - Rat Pack Tribute


Description - Features the the music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis. Includes set list, sound clips, video, photos and original archive.


Can you please make the requested changes as Hipsville is now only a small part of the site.


Dear Bobrat,


Originally it was called Hipsville back in 2002 - it has not been for over a year.


Granted there may be artwork for Hipsville on the home page, but this has now become only a small part of the site.


As the website expanded it has included bigger Rat Pack tributes and a much acclaimed original archive section for historians benefit.


My change request was to try and convey this message - and to do so within your guidelines.


Search Engine Spider Simulator Results

Status 200 (return error code 0)

Spider url http://www.ratpack.biz

User Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 5.0)

Referrer http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/sim_spider.cgi

Spider title Rat Pack Tribute to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr

Spider meta desc Music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis in a rat pack tribute show which is ideal for cabaret, corporate entertainment, summer ball, after dinner or a wedding.

Spider meta keywords

Spider Text

RAT PACK TRIBUTE FRANK SINATRA - DEAN MARTIN - SAMMY DAVIS Book entertainment that gives you a great night out with the stars Get the show with the emphasis firmly on fun featuring all your favourites. Watch and listen to our new video and audio section - click here Most tribute acts and tribute shows perform songs of only one band or singer ----------------


I changed the listing to


Rat Pack Tribute


Contains Hipsville set list, sound clips, photos, and information about the originals. Based out of the United Kingdom.


We don't care about Meta Tags. Personally I have looked at your site a few times, I feel the description adequately describes the site and I don't see what the problem is. The names of the original band members of the Rat Pack will not be included in the description. They are not included in any of the other listings in the category.

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