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  • 1 month later...

The existing thread is closed and is read only.


I´m still waiting,.. starting to lose hope. I have been waiting so long now. Seems like my website is being boycotted by the editor of the directory I submitted to.


Seems to me like there are submissions to this directory practically every day. In any way I would think that there have been more submissions than there were sites waiting for review since I submitted. (I mean in the directory I submitted to.)


So there are 3 possibilities: Or nobody is doing any work in this directory, or my website has been rejected (which makes no sense as it is a very normal and decent website about SEO) or my website is being ignored by the editor.


Why isn't the system based on a fifo system? Submissions should just be reviewed on a fifo (first in first out) basis.


oh well,. I can feel bad about it, but seems like I have no choice but to wait,... but hope I don't have anymore.



  • Like 1

Instead of just waiting go back to your page




and fix your prices. You have commas instead of periods making it appear you are the most expensive SEO firm in the world. Apparently this was a problem when the site was reviewed. Then resubmit the site and check back in one month in this thread.


Your status is listing declined but I have a feeling that you need to resubmit and get reviewed again.


I have submitted my website again to the same directory. I hope that my pages are now appreciated the way I have intended them: To show my services and to be a content rich website with lots of seo information.


Thanks again,



  • 1 month later...

Well,. it has been a month now,. more even.


Can anyone tell me what the status is of my submission?






You know what,.. I don't care anymore. It´s been almost a year and I get my website first rejected because of the laim excuse that my prices weren't formatted properly. Childish,.. just because I am not an american and didn't use american formatting my website gets rejected.


Seems that many editors think they are gods. sad, sad, sad, sad!


I´m sick and tired of dmoz and I sincerely hope that search engines will stop using it as a basis for its website crawling and start treating it as an ordinary directory. It really isn't any more than that. (it may have been more than that originally, but I don't see the purpose of treating it as something special anymore)


Why is it so difficult to add a website? And don't tell me that it is because of the inmense amounts of submissions you guys get, because that is nonsense. I see sites listed that shouldn't be there in the first place. I have seen sites with more than 1 listing, etc. There don't seem to be real guidelines as to what should be added and what not. How much time does it take to add a website? That should be done within minutes.


I feel sad that I have to come to the conclusion that dmoz lost its original ideals and goals.



  • Meta

Guidelines exist, and become more and more refined all the time, but many many sites were included in the directory before the guidelines were what they are today. The reason why it takes so long to process submissions is manifold: if it were the first priority of the directory, it would probably not take as long. But the ODP is about building a directory, not about processing submissions. We see submissions as one source among many for finding websites to list. In some areas, submissions are processed as soon as they are submitted, in other areas we find sites that were submitted in 2001 and haven't yet been looked at by an editor.


As you know, we do this for free. It is a labour of love. And although the technical process of publishing a website is, as you say, very quick, no editor worth his or her salt publishes a site without reviewing it - and that is a quick process - 10 minutes or so - in some cases and a slow one in others; but it is what we are supposed to be doing regardless of where we find the site: in our pools of unsubmitted sites, from a links page or by using a search engine. And we work where we want to work. There is no quota, no minimum number of reviewes we must make, and nobody can tell us to review site A before site B, or to go through the submitted sites before searching for sites on our own.


And as you also know, there are sites listed that shouldn't be there because their content no longer qualifies them for inclusion. These sites must be found and weeded out, as must sites that have been inappropriately listed in several places, and sites that have changed their URL must be updated with the new address. All this takes time, and that is yet another reason why you and other submitters are forced to wait.


We can't let submitters' wishes change the way we work, though. The ODP is not intended to be a service for web masters; sometimes your interests coincide with ours, and sometimes they don't. That is not to say that we disparage your interests, or don't understand your point of view. But doing what we do, the way we do it, causes the directory to grow with several thousand new sites every week (and that is a net growth - there are many sites removed each day for the reasons I mentioned above - yet the directory grows.)


I'm not asking you to change your mind and think that we do things the only right way, but hopefully you can at least see why things work as they do.




Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea



Thank you for your polite reply. I appreciate that.


I just fail to see what the problem is. Is the problem there aren't enough editors?


You said:

"The ODP is not intended to be a service for web masters"


That I agree with. I would expect that the ODP is intended to be a service to the general public , but how can you even think you provide a service if your directory is behind schedule for like 1 to 2 years. The general public doesn't want to know what was online 2 years ago,. they want to know what is online today.


Automated scripts can recognize significant changes to a site and make an editor aware so it can be reviewed again. Automated scripts can recognize if a website is still online and remove it if it is off line for longer than a certain period.


Perhaps the ODP should invest in these relatively simple things to speed things up. These are simple things that don't compromise the human factor.


I just am very disapointed. I expected the odp to be fair, but was proven otherwise.






I happened to notice that you are a (former) countryman, and I looked a bit more closely at your site and the two threads in which you posted.


First, let me state that I see no serious problems with you site in its current state, so I personally would expect it to be listed at some point; I think thehelper was expressing the same feeling in his first post. (I must add, however, that I'm not an editor in "your" category, and the person reviewing your site may have an opinion that is different from mine!)


You should realize, though, that articles by guest writers neither help nor hurt your case if they can also be found elsewhere; they may be a useful resource for your visitors, but they are not the original content that ODP editors look for.


In the first thread you wondered if your being an SEO consultant prevents you from becoming an editor; as bobrat said, it doesn't.


If you feel that you possess the skills needed to be a good editor (that includes the ability to evaluate sites objectively, even if they happen to belong to a competitor, and to remove sites that do not meet the Guidelines, even if they happen to belong to you), by all means have a go at it, for example in this category.


Study the Guidelines, find three sites that should be included but aren't, then write a good application that discloses any affiliations you may have. Again, I do not review applications myself, but I do know that good editors are admitted to ODP every day, regardless of what some outsiders seem to think... :D


If you are accepted as an editor, you will probably enjoy the experience --I know I do!

Automated scripts can recognize significant changes to a site and make an editor aware so it can be reviewed again. Automated scripts can recognize if a website is still online and remove it if it is off line for longer than a certain period.


Actually, we do have several automated tools that make our job easier! (We don't like to say too much about the exact way we work, though, because there will always be people trying to abuse whatever information they can gather... :mad: )




Thank you for your post.


I´m not sure what you mean with :

You should realize, though, that articles by guest writers neither help nor hurt your case if they can also be found elsewhere; they may be a useful resource for your visitors, but they are not the original content that ODP editors look for.

I don't see the problem. I offer an online magazine and use guest articles as well as original articles, either written by myself or others. But my magazine is just a part of my website. Most of the content in my website is original and very useful to anybody with an interest for SEO. Most of it is written by myself.


I probably possess the skills to be an editor, but I honestly have to say that I probably don't have the time for it. I´m way too busy at the moment.


By the way,. I still am a Dutchman,.. :) I just live in another country.





I don't see the problem.


It's not really a problem, actually --as I said, they neither help nor hurt.


What I meant was that an editor who views the articles by guest writers (and notices that they can also be found elsewhere) will simply ignore them, because they are not "original content" from an ODP perspective.


If the remaining material on your site (the articles that you have written yourself, etc.) is "sufficient original content" (the key thing ODP looks for), the site is probably listable! :)


I probably don't have the time


You only have to edit as much as your boss tells you. The good thing is, at ODP you are your own boss. ;)


Seriously: if you only do one edit a week (maybe 10-15 minutes' work), that's 52 edits a year less for other editors to do; 52 more useful sites (I would hope) in the directory...


I'm not saying that you should apply --that, obviously, is completely up to you; but, from an ODP perspective (if the moderators will forgive me for using a Dutch proverb here), "alle kleine beetjes helpen"; and as I mentioned before, editing at ODP can be a very interesting and rewarding experience!


Take care,



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

>> Instead of just waiting go back to your page




and fix your prices. You have commas instead of periods making it appear you are the most expensive SEO firm in the world. Apparently this was a problem when the site was reviewed. Then resubmit the site and check back in one month in this thread. <<


I can't believe that I am reading that a site was rejected for having prices in the wrong format. Wrong format? Huh? Is someone kidding?


Look at any French or German site. They use a comma like the US would use a decimal point. I'll even quote from the International Standard ISO 31, where it specifically says that thousands are denoted by grouping digits into groups of three with a SPACE between each group, and that the separator between the whole number and the fractional part shall be a comma.


It was only very recently (year 2000 or so) that a concession was made that the separator between the whole and fractional number could be a decimal point in certain English speaking countries.


In an International Directory such as this, you'll see both examples used all over the place. I can't believe a site was rejected solely for that reason.

  • 4 months later...



Hello dmoz folks!


I was looking around this place for previous posts from people I have known and was surprised to find Peter Faber of http://www.seo-works.com not listed in the dmoz directory? I notice he was a bit eager in here but believe me I can contest to this persons character. I make homemade items that I just could not sell on the internet because of stiff competition. He suggested I submit my website here and in other good directories and sure enough, my website and product can be found now and i can pay a few bills! :rolleyes:


Peter is about as honest as ANY search engine optimizer can be, if you don't believe me check for him in some of the forums he now admins.


Anyhow, I am here to ask the status of http://www.seo-works.com AND to contest to this mans character if this is why he is not listed in dmoz.


Kind regards,



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