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how long for response?

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How long does it take to receive a response for an application? It's been about 3 weeks in my case...

I did a spot check recently, and found that at that time the vast majority of applications had been waiting for less than three weeks. A handful or fewer had been waiting for more than four weeks. It can vary a lot, though, depending on the category, the application, and how much spare time the volunteers who look after this (and a lot of other stuff) have at any time.


If you post the editor name you used and the category, one of us can see if you're still in the queue. (There's no "scorpion" there, so if you used that name, the application has been rejected.)




  • Meta

I'm no meta, but I can give some general thoughts on why times may differ. In general much energie is put into accepting new editors - but as you can imagine, its very time-consuming


* There are lots of Metas/CatMods working primarily on a special branch of the ODP. When you are lucky, they will keep times low in the region where you apply. (so its dependant from "where do I try to get accepted")


* In some cases its more difficult to decide what has to happen with an application. Imagine a category that has 20 links on the public page and 200 unreviewed pages waiting. From the outside you see 20 sites and think "Hey, perfect for beginning" - but the Meta maybe doesnt want to confront you with the huge amount of unrevs. He has to prepare it, maybe deleting spam and sorting missubmissions away before he accepts you (so its dependant from the individual case, too)


* Now something completely different: There where some technical problems n the last weeks (i.e. DMOZ was down for some time) - so maybe there was less editing and accepting done than normal.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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