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Hmmmmmm, whenever I attempt to download (Save As..) both the 'structure' and 'content' .tz files, they don't stop at their said sizes....... Currently, the 'structure' file went to 980mb before I gave up. They cant be that big surely?


How do I download these files 100% please. :confused:

  • Meta
This problem usually occurs when you try to get the files using IE, which uncompresses them as it downloads. The best method for downloading the files is wget (Windows version). If you can't use wget or you have to a use a browser, I recommend Opera, which I know doesn't uncompress, though there might be others.

There was a problem with the latest structure file (yesterday?) being inflated to 6 times the normal size, due to a data error (possibly related to the ongoing UTF-8 conversion; not sure).


The RDF files available have been rolled back to those from last week, but there are some illegal UTF-8 characters in that one scattered though many different cateegories (98% of which were cleaned up a few days ago).


You might want to wait a few more days, for the next RDF dump, as that should be a lot better, but still likely to have a few errors here and there.

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