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I submited this website several months ago and lately contacted an editor. She told me that the site was rejected because it pointed to another website. This site have its own content and does not point to any other website. Please give me some advice on how to proceed now.
  • Meta

Stop spamming.


The main website is listed. Please feel free to link from there to any of your content.


The ODP is not a substitute for broken site navigation. And whoever told you otherwise -- well, just add them to your list of disreputable informants. Blame the spam on them, too, if you wish.


Thank you for your posts and allow me to explain.

Our Best Seller artists in our original website is Monet so we decided to open a Monet specialized site with all the Monets prints available in the market. The original website only list a few of them. Different print sizes and different prices. Why is this new business venture considered spam? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


I just spent enough time on the site to make a guesstimate of why you received the answer you did from the editor you contacted. I did not compare item for item what was available on the main website and what and was available on the specialized one.


It is my opinion that you are making a mistake by holding back items you sell from your main website just to put them on your portal - just because you do that does not mean you are going to get a listing for both.


Main site links to the Monet site, Monet site links back to main site, same company, same kind of product: this is a kind of deeplink, except that you have different URLs, but the result is the same. Deeplinks are usually not accepted, and submitting a deeplink to a category where the main site is already listed can be considered spamming.


<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

  • Meta

Look, buy as many domain names as you want -- we don't care one way or the other. Set up as many "featured artist galleries" as you want -- actually, it is quite an attractive page. (I don't often feel the urge to return to a shopping site just to browse.)


But no way is that gallery a business venture: it's just more advertisements (for perhaps more products) in the catalog of the same business.


Thank you all for your opinions. Now I understand your point of view and realize that you are right and I was wrong. Our intention never was to spaming on the directory but only to offer more options to our potential customers.

The rules are now more clear to me. Thanks again.

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