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We are unable to estimate in anyway how long it may take due to the volunteer nature of the directory and its editors. The fact that the site was listed previously will not make any difference to the time it takes for the review to take place as it will be treated the same as other in the pile.


I do see however that there is another URL which is pretty much identical to http://www.queenfashions.com/ which has also been submitted to the directory recently.

- edited out leer as was faster and went into more detail -


Thank you! I'm not sure what you mean by edited out...

I did re-submit the same site today to the category I thought was the most appropriate (before finding this forum)

So if it is pending review, that's fine.

Let me know if this is what you mean.


The site you submitted (http://www.queenfashions.com/) has been moved and is awaiting review. The edited out bit referes to the fact that thehelper replied to your question at the same time as I did - but deleted the message as I had already answered the question.


The 'other' URL which was also submitted is also awaiting review in the directory. Both have pretty identical content which will be assessed when the reviews take place.

Sorry, it appears I flipped two words in my post by accident making it look like it meant something that it didn't. I had just said the same thing leer did but they said it first and their explanation was better so I just deleted mine because it was redundant and did not add anything new. Hope that clarifies.
  • 4 weeks later...

This morning I use the site submission forum inquiring on the status of of our website which was moved into another category for some unknown reason.

We are a clothing/lingerie store that sells, maybe 20% footwear if that.


We received a reply that it had been moved to the "adult forum" ???

All we are kindly asking is for the status and seem to be getting the run around.

Do I need to post another inquiry? Does Clothing and Lingerie now belong in "Adult Forums"?

Any assistance is greatly appreciative.


As for your submission. It was moved to the Adult area of the directory because of your Adults only section of your website




Apparently when the site was listed the adult section was not there or the editor overlooked it. The reason it was moved is because of the adult nature of the content on the page I mentioned above. That type of content goes in Adult.


Aloha bourbontip,


All we are kindly asking is for the status and seem to be getting the run around.


And all we request is that submitters kindly abide by the submission guidelines. But we seem to be getting the run around as well. :rolleyes:




Step One

Determine whether a site is appropriate for submission to the ODP:


  • Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.


  • Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.





Thank you. I sincerely appreciate the response.

At the bottom of your reply, it states:


Last edited by coconutz : 05-02-2004 at 09:54 PM. Reason: remove domain names listed


Is this for us?


Thanks again.


>>Is this for us?


It justs shows that I edited my original reply and the reason why. I removed the list of mirror domains in my post as I believe we're both aware of them, so it wasn't necessary for me to add them to this discussion.

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