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The site was returning an error message at the end of February and was deleted from Deleted from unreviewed in Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Staffing_Services


In January it was deleted from Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/Immigration/North_America/Canada/Ontario


In December it was deleted from Deleted from unreviewed in Regional/North_America/Canada/British_Columbia/Localities/V/Vancouver/Business_and_Economy/Legal_Services because another copy was awaiting review.


Last July it was deleted from Business/Information_Technology/Employment/Recruitment_and_Staffing/Executive_Search


There are indications that it may be waiting in one or more pools of submissions. Please give us a complete list of every place that you have submitted it, and do not resubmit again unless specifically told to do so by an editor in this forum.


And I will flat out tell you that all of the additional submissions have done absolutely nothing to further getting your site listed, and a good case can be made that it hindered your progress, because there is enough evidence of multiple submissions that many editors would hesitate to list it for fear of accidentally double listing it.


I apologize for the multiple submissions. They were done due to the lack of information on my behalf. Some of them were due to the long delays and not getting included while other were becuase I did not see any editor at the bottom and assumed that those directories were not looked after.


However, after discovering and reading this forum, I am more informed and will not be repeating those mistakes.


I do not recall any other submissions that I have made other than you mentioned below. Please let me know if you can help me include the site again in your directory.


Again, thanks for taking your time and replying to my concerns.



The site was returning an error message at the end of February and was deleted from Deleted from unreviewed in Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Staffing_Services


In January it was deleted from Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/Immigration/North_America/Canada/Ontario


In December it was deleted from Deleted from unreviewed in Regional/North_America/Canada/British_Columbia/Localities/V/Vancouver/Business_and_Economy/Legal_Services because another copy was awaiting review.


Last July it was deleted from Business/Information_Technology/Employment/Recruitment_and_Staffing/Executive_Search


There are indications that it may be waiting in one or more pools of submissions. Please give us a complete list of every place that you have submitted it, and do not resubmit again unless specifically told to do so by an editor in this forum.


And I will flat out tell you that all of the additional submissions have done absolutely nothing to further getting your site listed, and a good case can be made that it hindered your progress, because there is enough evidence of multiple submissions that many editors would hesitate to list it for fear of accidentally double listing it.


I am kind of surprised that the editors were quick to delete the site from the waiting pool but did not bother to include it in any directory? Why not first include it in at least one directory before going crazy with the deletion?


This has affected my time in the waiting pool, as now I am back in line instead of front of the line, which I should have been from the time-line mentioned in the previous e-mail.


Please help this poor soul as the wait has been long enough. 15 months are too long to wait for anything, including an inclusion in a directory managed by capable folks.



I am kind of surprised that the editors were quick to delete the site from the waiting pool but did not bother to include it in any directory? Why not first include it in at least one directory before going crazy with the deletion?


Because many editors perfer to take out the trash before going to work, and it take much, much less time to get rid of duplicate submission than to process new ones.


This has affected my time in the waiting pool, as now I am back in line instead of front of the line,


This presumes that there is a line. We prefer terms like pools, heaps and slush piles. Editors can and do attack these pools in different manners, and sorting by submission date is but one of the ways. This is why we tell people that resubmission can never help, but they certainly can hurt.


Please help this poor soul as the wait has been long enough. 15 months are too long to wait for anything, including an inclusion in a directory managed by capable folks.


So if we have a choice of adding a site that has been waiting patiently for 2+ years, or your, we should add yours because......?


The multiple submissions, which you made, certainly contributed to your wait time. The error message that the site was returning certainly contributed to your wait time.


I would strongly suggest that if you had made a single submission to the one best category, your site would likely have been listed by now. Certainly on three separate occasions editors looked at your submissions and decided not to list them because of actions on your part or a failure of the web site.


No, I think you need to recognize that it could be days, weeeks, months, or possibly years before an editor looks at your most recent submission.


How about someone who gets there submitted in 2 hours or in a few weeks or few months to mine that is waiting close to two years? Why the step- sibling treatment reserved for me? As you can see that it is a business site, and it is highly competitive business where all my business depends entirely on the visibility on the web, I am highly effected by the non-inclusion in the dmoz directory.



I noticed in the other threads that you ask people to check on the status after a month of inclusion. So in my case it is more than 15 months that I have been waiting. Any higher powers that I can appeal to? or any protocol that you guys have for the ones waiting sooooo long???

How about someone who gets there submitted in 2 hours or in a few weeks or few months to mine that is waiting close to two years? Why the step- sibling treatment reserved for me? As you can see that it is a business site, and it is highly competitive business where all my business depends entirely on the visibility on the web, I am highly effected by the non-inclusion in the dmoz directory.


That is exactly the point that we are making. We are not giving you special treatment. There is nothign personal going on here. You are being treated no better and no worse than any other submission. The process of choosling which sites to review is nearly random. Your number has not come up yet. No conspiracy, no sekret cabal, just luck. We will get to your site when we get to your site. You are always welcome to ask for a refund.


Your site is waiting, as are more than a million other sites.


The fact that you are a business does not matter to us. It carries no more weight than a personal site from a grade schooler. We are a directory not a business facilitator, nor an armof your marketing department.


There is no appeal. There is nothing to appeal. Your site is waiting.


If not being in our directory in a given timeframe is impacting your business plan, then you have a very faulty business plan. Why are you wating for us? Go off and promote your site to the hundred (perhaps thousands) of other search engines and directories. Our feelings won't be hurt and it won't impact our directory by one iota.


Bottom line: you are in the pool of submission and there is nothing you can do to faciliate or expedite your site's review -- other than making sure that it is working when an editor gets to it, and that the unique content is plentiful and obvious.


It seems like you are in a no win situation here. People have genuine concerns and try to ask questions and hope to get their situations resolved. Although, most of the questions get answered and most of them also make sense, I have noticed that majority of the answers carry a very sarcastic tone.


While answering your questions, some of the editors feel that they have to come as being the superior being and thus the sarcasm.


Some of the editors have hundreds of posts on this forum answering questions and sometimes many posts on the same thread arguing with the person trying to get their site listed.


Same time spent arguing with the person about their web site inclusion can be spent on actually working on the web site in question. This will give them more time actually working on other web sites. This will not only resolve the original complaint but will also clear much of the backlog currently facing the dmoz directory.


But then again this is not what gets some of these people going. It’s the confrontation that gets some of them hot and going and they thrive on this kind of forum / situation and do anything to join these forums. How can you expect these people to have any time away from their main work that they are so kind to volunteer for??


No - it says in the forum guidelines and we have told you here that it takes as long as it takes to get a site review. It also says posting in these forums will not facilitate a listing.


You asked if there was anywhere you could appeal to. The answer is no.


You say that we could be editing instead of answering on the forum. Thanks for your opinion but one thing - you or noone else tells me how I spend my time. If I want to answer here I will, if I want to edit I edit. The fact that there are tons of sites waiting does not effect me. I still use Google to find and list sites that have never even been submitted.


So, now why are you arguing with us when your time could be so much better spent promoting your site in different venues. Do you like us telling you what you should or should not do with your time and your site. We don't like it either. We do our best for free. If you don't like it then here - that was your money back.



  • Meta

irisfirm, let me give you another perspective on your plight.


It's not our fault, of course. It is yours.


Why? How?


You, um, entered a "very competitive industry."


Now, if you were the ONLY supplier of birefractive chiral widgets, you'd be obviously unique, very unique, USERS couldn't get their supply of BRCWs without you, and it would be a matter of extreme urgency for us to review and list your site, for the sake of our users.


But YOU CHOSE not to do that. YOU CHOSE to compete an industry where your entrance would not be noticed, nor your exit mourned. And therefore you gave up any opportunities you might have had for a quick demonstration of palpable uniqueness and essential sine-qua-nonity.


And WE choose to focus on sites that are (1) interesting to us, and (2) unique. That means your site is way off in the blurry area at the periphery of our lens. Knowing that, you can figure on a long delay.


This is not to say your site doesn't have a modicum of uniqueness -- it may. It may even have enough uniqueness to list. But there is no way on land or sea that it has enough uniqueness to go to the head of the line over, say, the neat site I noticed yesterday THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SUBMITTED AT ALL, but which contains stuff that intrigues me and is available nowhere else on the net.


Our priorities are well-known and widely publicized. They are individual and varied. They aren't subject to debate -- I couldn't tell spectregunner what to focus on, even if he were out of ammo. And he can't tell me.


But I've posted, a number of times, suggestions as to simple ways to create a palpably-unique subsite as a loss leader. I couldn't begin to imagine all the ways in which a truly creative person (which I am not) could make unique contributions to the arts, sciences, humanities, or commerce. You're welcome to take that advice, or not.


Finally, whose problem is this that you mention?


Is it the users'? No, they can find what they want at your many competitors.


Is it ours? How could it be? If any editor feels any site in his area has been waiting too long for review, then he'll review it -- and end of problem.


Is it our customers'? Our customers are the users, so it can't be them.


Is it yours? Clearly you feel so, and on that issue your word is final. And you (as the webmaster or business owner) have your assets and your energy, and you have the choice of using them to promote your website or ... something else. But you do not have the right to impose your choice on someone else. And if you are here to do that, you are correct: there is truly no win possible -- it is a lose-lose proposition.


A nerve? People telling us that we are an "ivory tower" for submitters because we don't have a forum for them to discuss their issues, and then someone on that forum telling us we should be spending more time editing and less time on the forum? Yeah, I'd say that hits a nerve, sure.


And I hate to obfuscate a perfectly good diatribe with facts, but a very very small percentage of editors contribute to this forum. What you perceive as a "problem" of site suggestion backlogs would not be even slightly dented if we shut down this forum and spent all our time editing. Because sorting our way through that "backlog" to find the nuggets just isn't the priority of a lot of ODP editors.


...but if you'd like us to start ignoring YOU so that we have more time, then I think we could possibly see our way to doing that :)


Come on now..where is the love :) I understand the explanation of time spent and this being purely a volunteer directory. You guys should be flattered instead of getting annoyed by frustrated people like me. It only shows how important this directory has become.


In any case, I am hoping that the volunteer work is done sincerely and honestly (which I am sure it is) and not causing people lik eme with threads like mine to get their sites permanently barred from the directory.




Surprisingly I think most editors are pretty even handed, since the object is to list sites for the end users. If you ever have time, look though some of the longer threads here and the insults that site owners through at us, yet managed to get the site listed anyway. Why? Because, if the site is usefull to the users of the ODP, we try to ignore the rest of what happens.


You would also find that many of the editors who post here [although a small number of the actual active editors] have very large numbers of edits behind them, so they are not exactly shirking their other "duties".

Yes indeed... where is the love :)


It's a two-way street, you know. You give a little, you get a little.






By the way, checking some history on my web site, I came across the fact that my site was previously included in the dmoz directory and later somehow disappeared?


Even if you do a backword link on Google, it still comes up with the dmoz directory and takes you to the directory but the site is missing? In fact I just found the e-mails from the editor (below) that mention the same. SO I am wondering what went wrong? Please help me solve this mystery...


Here are the e-mails......


Friday, January 03, 2003 5:00 AM

sorry, was out of town for a couple months, then just busy with work...


i've put your site in now on dmoz.org. Shoudl propagate to

the downstream sites eventually (it takes them time to get data

from dmoz).








Friday, January 03, 2003 10:27 PM


> Approximately how long will it take to see the site

on the listing.


On dmoz.org,. it is visible right now already. How much time it will take

for the listings to propgate from DMOZ to other sites that use DMOZ

database -- I have no idea. For some, it's days, for others, perhaps,





Yes, you were indeed listed for a while, in category Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Legal_Services/Immigration an editor looking at the site again, saw that you had an office also in the US (either the first editor missed it, or you opened a new one - not sure which) and moved the site to be reviewed at a higher level, in Regional/North_America/Business_and_Economy/Legal_Services


On Feb 27 of this year, an editor tried to review a submisison you had made to Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Staffing_Services got an error message and deleted the submission.


Previous submissions to categories:






have been declined.


There is a full status history on the URL, in addition to the category in which you are currently awaiting review.


Hope this helps.




Thanks for providing the complete picture. I am not sure whay the site was down as I have 24 hour monitoring service on the site and I never received any information which mentioned the site outage?


I am also concerned that the editor deleted the site on the first try rather than waiting to see if the site was down due to the site host.


I am sure there are plenty of instances where some site is down due to some reason.


As you guys can see, it took the site a long time to get in. Once a site is in, it should be given a benefit of the doubt for these instances.


In my case, the wait all over again? instead of getting the issue resolved.


So I hope you guys understand the frustration here. Are there more people like me in similar situation where they went through all the wait to get their site listed and then were dropped due to "unforseen circumstances"?


Tool to check you Dmoz listings?


I discovered this URL from another forum where this URL shows you the number of listings for your site in Dmoz?


According to this, I have one listing in Dmoz (I guess pending). So if this is true, can I make another suggestion to another category. Please let me know, before I make another suggestion in another category and which will be another best option for it.


By the way, if you want ot use this URL, just replace "yoursite" with your domain name.





My domain results from the above URL


Irisfirm.com DMOZ 1- of

Displaying 1- of listings



Displaying 1- of listings


Nope, you are not listed in dmoz.org. The last time an editor looked at one of your site submissions the site was down so the submission was deleted. If you want to find out the status of your dmoz.org submission post about it in the Submission Status forum. Make sure you read the forum guidelines for how to format your status request.


Dmoz.org requests that you only submit your site to the ONE best category for it. If the site has a brick and mortar location you can submit as well as to the appropriate Regional locality. If you have alternate language versions of your site you may submit the site once to the proper category in that languages World category.


Besides that do not submit your site all over the directory. You are only going to get one listing for a business. Hope this information saves you and us some time.

  • 4 weeks later...

Checking the status for the web site since the last update received more tha a month ago. Please let me know if there are any new updates regarding the listing of the website.




A couple of things have happened since you last checked in.


Your site has been listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Oregon/Localities/B/Beaverton/Business_and_Economy/ Beaverton is a nice place, I lived there for about 5 years, although it is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


Your site has been declined a listing in, of all places, http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Business_and_Economy/Employment


That's certainly good news :-)


Could you guys help me narrow in the next best option for my site so I can list the site to it for my second listing.


This way, I will not have to go through the waiting time to find out that it's been rejected due to "unfit" category.


Thanks again....


We no longer provide that service.


You know your site better than anyone, go ahead and make the best informed choice you can, that will usually get it in the correct "neighborhood", which is really all that we can ask for.

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